» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:30 am
This should actually be pretty easy to pull off. There is an OBSE command which gets the current system time, and of course you can set TimeScale to 1. The only remaining issue is, as mentioned, taking care of time differences at game load: massive changes in current time can throw off NPC schedules, and they might take several hours to catch up. However, the "immersive waiting" feature of Tekuromoto's Time Manager should be able to take care of this. If someone could paste these things together, you'd probably have the mod you're looking for. (I call Not Me, especially because my monitor just died and I'm posting from a borrowed Mac.)
You'd probably want to disable fast travel, unless you don't mind arriving the moment you left... or, I suppose, setting up a system whereby you're not allowed to play until the proper amount of time has passed! Also, loading older games might be weird. "Journal: Did nothing for six weeks. Wait, oh yeah, the Oblivion crisis!" If you use any hunger/thirst/fatigue mods it would probably be a good idea to make sure they don't check time on game load, or you could wind up with a starving Tamagotchi!