That is a disappointment for console users - we have no mods and we can't even simply walk instead of running. Well we can, but it's like controlling speed more than enjoying the environment all the time.
The only option to suit all platforms is making the world labyrynthine as much as possible. But it would surely displease many players. You can't suit everyone

I'm still refering to F3 map however - perfect balance of the places of interest and just wastes to go and explore IMO.
Yeah, it would be bad for console users in that regard...
But as others have said... speed attribute is out now. The character we saw in the demo was level 34. We actually have no idea how speed works now, but I still think it looked pretty fast.
I kind of agree with Dragonbone that it looked a lot faster than lvl 1 speed in Oblivion, but slower than maximum speed in Oblivion. To me it kind of looked like (translated into attributes) a speed of 75 when the character ran.
Remember that we can sprint now as well.
Running speed is not really a solution though, far from.
If the world is cramped up, then it will be cramped up, unfortunately :/
Slower running speed can help a little, but it can at the same time make it feel boring and tedious to run around so slowly...
I think they are going for best design to size ratio. Next Gen Console will be able to satisfy our lusts for greater sized maps with mass amounts of detail
I wouldn't say Red Dead Redemption did the best job ever, but I think they did still a great job with the world size (and the detail in it) and how it worked for being on console.
I think it depends a lot on how the developers use the hardware...
Current hardware can do a lot still. I mean... look at Crysis 2 on the consoles. Next gen consoles would surely help a lot though, indeed.
I don't think it was hardware that made Bethesda choose the same world size as before for Skyrim. My guess it was that Bethesda thought it was simply good/big enough.