Which do you as a gamer prefer to see in a game for art design?
I will be describing two ponds/lakes/whatever.
A mystical pond that glitters and sparkles from the sun light beyond the snow peaks mountains.
Tall green trees and a long flowery garden and the grass is a light green with large hills.
A murky pond with mist swarming around it so much that sun can't penetrate the fog.
Broken down trees lay in the water while others are dead the ground is nothing more then murky wet mud.
Or a mixture of both
so just curious what is your favorite art design for games?
un-realistic fantasy with beautiful sittings or a realistic world
With all the dark and grittiness that comes with it.
I know not everything in the world is dark and gritty but hey how many times have you found a pond that sparkles? haha.
I personally like a mixture of fantasy and realism art design so this way i can take pictures of my character enjoying the scenery and or hiding in a swamp.
I always grew up in the woods so i enjoyed a lot trees and rivers so i guess nature is just my thing and i like nature to be ... uh, pretty? for lack of a better word.
But i also find things to be beautiful in nature that isn't so easy on the eyes like dark murky swamps since i had one right in back of my house.