I'm sure this has already been addressed on the boards but I was unable to find it. Is there going to be some sort of "Realism Mode" in Skyrim similar to the "hardcoe Mode" in Fallout New Vegas. I know it was developed by Obsidian and only published by Bethesda, but that was one of the biggest draws of the game to me. It would actually be a rather large let down for me if Skyrim, which on paper looks a century ahead of New Vegas, is missing that insanely amazing draw. Especially since it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult of an addition to add, even in a patch or something. It just adds such a large degree of immersion to such an already immersing game. It creates a different degree of human (or Khajit or Argonian etc...) connection to your character by making them require fuel and rest to perform at their peak.
Does anyone else have thoughts on this, or have you heard anything? I get that maybe water would be an issue, but you could drink out of streams and there could be canteens or something. Idk, just a thought...I just really hope it's in there.