Liking it so far. Maybe weapon skills could also be part of the equation to figure out damage, as an experienced spearman would likely know more effective areas to attack. Also, is there a way to bring weapon weight into the equation? I can't imagine a wood elf with a chitin dagger effectively blocking a nord swinging away with a Daedric Warhammer, at least not without severe fatigue and possibly serious damage to his dagger.
This mod has a lot of potential. I'm excited to be giving it a try tonight.
I really like the idea of factoring weapon skill into attack and fatigue damage AND fatigue damage reduction. At first I liked the weight idea--it makes sense--but after I thought about it I decided that weight is already a factor in the damage the weapon does. BIg weapons have more reach, slower attack speed, and big damage already. So why not use the amount of damage inflicted (after calculating weapon skill, strength, etc) as a modifier for the amount of fatigue inflicted on a successful block? Not 100% (i.e. NOT attack dam = fatigue dam), but some kind of modifier.
Something like: Fatigue Damage = Attacker Damage/( Blocker's Block Skill + (0.5 x Blocker's Weapon Skill)/10 )
100 damage attack versus blocker with:
100 Block and 100 Weapon Skill = 7 points fatigue damage
50 Block and 50 Weapon Skill = 27 points fatigue damage
25 Block and 25 Weapon Skill = 53 points fatigue damage
50 damage attack versus blocker with:
100 Block and 100 Weapon Skill = 7 points fatigue damage
50 Block and 50 Weapon Skill = 13 points fatigue damage
This formula needs work, and the divisor of "10" is a magic number (technically it's an average, so it's 2 x "Magic Number"). But IMHO the basic idea works.