Realistic damage option.

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:00 am

I would like the damage to be determined by not only the weapon used, but the type of attack/defense used, as well as where the strike/impact was done. Like, a sword strike to a limb would have certain outcomes, strikes to the torso would have affects on endurance of the character. Strikes to the head and neck have affects to balance, and sight/hearing etc. Strikes to the legs and/or feet have an affect on mobility. Obviously, head strikes being potentially fatal.....the wearing of a helmet would dictate the affect from such a blow. Body armor would then decrease the effectiveness of the varying strikes and not just be for looks.

This would obviously work best if we are able to defend against various strikes. Low strikes, side attacks, attacks from behind, high attacks etc.

I doubt they will do any of these suggestions, but it would make for a very interesting Expert or Hard setting experience. Then combat wouldn't be about how many strikes but where you strike, where you aim your arrows, where you choose to strike an opponent carrying a longsword, or an opponent carrying a mace, if he carries a shield, where are his/her weaknesses. Do they lack armor on their right arm, do they have more armor on their torso and head, but their legs and arms are exposed......etc etc. Then you would be looking for weak spots and attempting to defend against their strengths.

There are boxing games that have great abilities to choose where you wish to strike your opponent. So it is possible to implement such a combat system for more experienced gamers. A point system for skills would simply affect your overall strength/speed etc, but your ability to read your opponent and fight based on what you see, and not how many times you mash a button or click your mouse.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:01 am

It was a response to a post about Fallout. Context, folks.

for a second i almost accidently everywhere b/c i though skyrim for a 1/2 second was getting a M&B esq directional system..
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