I'm considering adding Realistic Fatigue to my FCOM build. For the most part I like what I see with Realistic Fatigue, although it's pretty clear the default settings are geared more toward a vanilla than FCOM build. With FCOM in the mix it seems like everyone just gets tired too quickly in most fights since they tend to last longer than vanilla, horses wear out too quickly, you need to be able to run away a bit more effectively in FCOM at low encumbrance, etc.
I'm sure these can be addressed by tweaking the Realistic Fatigue INI file but I was hoping someone might be able to recommend some specific setting adjustments that work well with FCOM so I have some basis to start with, rather than trial and error. I've already turned off the skill advancements, since it didn't seem quite right that things like marksman were going up just because I was running around tired.
Thanks for any suggestions.