Is Realistic Force and Ragdolls v3 still a viable mod?

Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 12:06 pm

Not to even mention the fact that the mod hasn't been updated since early 2008, the comment section on the Nexus is riddled with people complaining about bugs. One guy even said killing a will-o-the-wisp crashed his game.

Is this mod still viable for present playthroughs? I heard it was incompatible with Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeleton since it overwrites one of the files.

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Captian Caveman
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:47 pm

I've used it for years without problems. It does replace the skeleton and skeletonbeast nifs, so anything that uses those (like Coronerra) will be incompatible.

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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Tue Jan 19, 2016 2:04 pm

THere's a tool created by LogicDragon that can take any skeleton.nif you have installed and auto make the changes that convert them to Realistic Physics and Force compatible. I used it on my install to convert the Universal Skeleton from Growlf, and it worked. Now I have Universal Skeleton + Breathing Idles (from the BBB package) + the Realistic Physics and Force pagage installed, and it's working fine.

It's simple to use... download both files, extract the RRSC to a subdir inside Oblivion folder (I've put mine on Oblivion/Tools) and run the ScanNif.exe... that copies all the skeleton.nif it finds installed to the ./in folder of the tool. After that, run the converter (run "RRSC.exe 1" for normal skeleton, and "RRSC.exe 2" for a collidable skeleton) and it converts and copies all the skeleton.nif in "./in" to "./out", move the ./out to Bashed Installers (if you're using BAIN... why wouldn't you :P) and you're good to go.

Be careful not to apply the tool on skeletons that are already RPP converted!

For any interested, here's the link to the tool, and to the updated RPP package:

Best regards,


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Jeff Tingler
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