; RealisticLeveling.ini; =====================;; Version: 1.12; Author: Donovan Baarda (abo@minkirri.apana.org.au); Home: [src="http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1073080-realistic-leveling/http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13879"]http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13879[/url]; RealisticLeveling Settings; --------------------------;; Set the RealisticLeveling operating mode. The possible values are;; 0 = do nothing, just calculate values for debugging.; 1 = attributes only, use vanilla major skill count style leveling.; 2 = silent levelup, levelup silently with no notification.; 3 = verbose levelup, levelups will show the levelup menu.; 4 = sleep levelup, levelup after being notified by sleeping.set aaRealisticLeveling.mode to 4 ; default = 3; Set max level an attributes reached when all skills have reached 100. These; affect how far and fast your level and attributes advance. If you are using; a skill uncapper that allows skills to exceed 100, then your level and; attributes will also exceed these values.set aaRealisticLeveling.levelMax to 65 ; default = 65set aaRealisticLeveling.attrMax to 100 ; default = 100; Set luck advancement rate multiplier. This affects how far and fast your luck; advances. Your total luck advances are calculated as;; luckMult * sqrt(level^2 + fame^2 + infamy^2)set aaRealisticLeveling.luckMult to 0.2000 ; default = 0.2; Set the wheel primary, secondary, and tertiary related skill contributions.; Small values mean less contributions from those skills, and they should all; add up to 1.0. To turn off related attribute advancement set these to; 1.0/0.0/0.0.set aaRealisticLeveling.WheelMult1 to 0.6667 ; default = 0.6667set aaRealisticLeveling.WheelMult2 to 0.2222 ; default = 0.2222set aaRealisticLeveling.WheelMult3 to 0.1111 ; default = 0.1111; Set the experience skill curve exponent. This is used to calculate how much ; experience was required to reach a particular skill level. It should be set; to fSkillUseExp+1 for attributes and levels to advance accurately based on; total skill experience. Setting this lower will mean your level and; attributes will advance slightly faster if you generalise. Setting this; higher will mean your level and attributes advance faster if you specialise.set aaRealisticLeveling.expPow to 2.5 ; default = 2.5; Game Settings; -------------;; If you use other mods like Progress that also change these settings, make; sure they set them to the right values. You can comment out these settings; if you prefer to use another mod to manage any of these settings.; Set the major skill advances required per level for vanilla leveling. In; modes 2, 3, and 4 this setting will be forced to 100 to make the levelup; progress meter show progress with 1% resolution. If you want to use vanilla; leveling together with RealisticLeveling for advancing attributes, set the; mode to 1, set this to 10, and read the ReadMe for details on how to reset; your major skill advance count.;setGS iLevelUpSkillCount 10; Set how many times you can train per level. You can set this to something; lower if you prefer some sort of limit.setGS iTrainingSkills 10 ; default = 5; Optional Settings; -----------------;; These following settings can be used to provide basic adjustments to how; health and skills advance. They are not set by default to allow other mods; to adjust health and skill advancement.; Set how much base health you have. The baseHealth part of total health will; change in response to endurance fortify/drain effects. Increasing either of; these settings will increase your starting health.; baseHealth = endurance * fPCBaseHealthMult * fStatsHealthStartMult;setGS fPCBaseHealthMult 2.0;setGS fStatsHealthStartMult 1.0; Set how much extra health you gain each level. This will not change for; endurance fortify/drain effects, and will be calculated from your average; endurance since you started. Increasing this will increase how much your; health goes up each level.; levelHealth = fStatsHealthLevelMult*(level - 1)*(baseEndurance + endurance)/2;setGS fStatsHealthLevelMult 0.1; Set how the skill progression rate slows down as skills get higher. The; experience required to advance a skill is proportional to skill^fSkillUseExp.; Larger values mean higher skills will advance more slowly. ;setGS fSkillUseExp 1.5; Set the overall skill progression rate. The progression rate is proportional; to fSkillUseFactor^fSkillUseExp. Larger values mean skills will advance; slower. For the default fSkillUseExp=1.5, the slowdown factors are;; 1x = 0.35, 2x = 0.56, 3x = 0.73, 4x = 0.88, 5x = 1.02, 10x = 1.62;setGS fSkillUseFactor 0.35; Set the major/minor/specialty skill experience multipliers. The experience; required to advance a skill is multiplied by the relevant settings. Larger; values mean relevant skills will advance slower.;setGS fSkillUseMajorMult 0.75;setGS fSkillUseMinorMult 1.25;setGS fSkillUseSpecMult 0.75; Set the training cost multiplier. The base gold cost to train a skill is; skill*TrainingCostMult. Larger values mean training costs more.;setGS fTrainingCostMult 10.0