I have Frostfall and RND installed.
I am simply trying to refill a bottle with water.
When I look in my inventory @ an empty bottle it shows "stand in water to refill this bottle".
When I stand in the water nothing happens, when I crouch in the water nothing happens. If I activate the bottle with my xbox controller I eat the bottle.
I see under the RND MCM there is an option to "Disable Drink from Stream from Pwers Menu". I have no such power in my powers menu?
I have tried this with both W.A.T.E.R. and Realistic Water 2.
WATER Nexus page states "Realistic Needs compatible. No patch required."
Realistic Water 2 states "Compatibility plugins for RND are available." I can't find any files on the nexus page so I am going to assume they mean the RND options I selected during install.
Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.-Tim