I prefer scaling to a degree where things that absolutely do not matter to the PC simply are not in the game.
I dont really care what hyperbole you slap on it, I dislike NPC's that are nothing more than moving scenery, a la mass effect or dragon age. Aside from the reasons I have stated before on why I prefer fleshed out NPC's, filler NPC's (like NPC's visibly essential) are spoilers, or spoiler inducing.
'This guy has a name. He must have a quest.'
No please.
If you prefer things that do not matter to the PC being in the game, how do you feel about
1) being able to pick up objects just for the sake of it (like a pot?)
2) Having all of those houses with no quests to go inside and do something in there?
3) Large open worlds that have been designed from the ground up to give you a sense of REALISM and depth?
4) Having random dialogue about other countries affairs (hearing about morrowind in oblivion?)