Realistic Seasons

Post » Sat May 14, 2011 5:18 am

It would be cool if the gsme had actual seasons according to a schedule and npc's actually recognise it and speak about it. We have actually seen environments that actually show something similar to our spring/summer, fall, and winter of course. I'm pretty sure that they will only go by regions so if you walk in this area then you will see a green environment or another region will have leaves falling off the trees and so on. Problem with that is it wont really feel right or realistic. Its like you dont see an area that looks like fall all year long, just doesnt make any sense. My thoughts is that seasons wont make the game but it will most likely be done by modders. You guys tell me what you think?
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:43 pm

It's a neat idea. I don't know how many people would see too much of a difference, either because they won't play through an entire game year or just won't notice. I mean, if you divide the months in TES into 4 seasons you get 3 month seasons, just like irl. However, you wouldn't really notice the changes too much unless they went by a smaller scale like 1 month is beginning of spring, 1 month is spring, one month is end of spring, repeat for other seasons. That would make it more visually believable.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:31 pm

It's a neat idea. I don't know how many people would see too much of a difference, either because they won't play through an entire game year or just won't notice. I mean, if you divide the months in TES into 4 seasons you get 3 month seasons, just like irl. However, you wouldn't really notice the changes too much unless they went by a smaller scale like 1 month is beginning of spring, 1 month is spring, one month is end of spring, repeat for other seasons. That would make it more visually believable.

Yeah they dont have to go exactly by how our seasons are on our earth, after all it is a fictional universe. I was thinking of a faster process so it wont take forever but feel natural. Actually your idea is pretty good once a month you will see a noticeable change in areas it will apply to. Of course it wont apply the higher the altitude is, like you will most likely see the mountain regions cold year round.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 10:03 pm

Some areas of skyrim should always be snowy and freezing, even in summer (they shoud just be more unforgiving and more snowy in winter)
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 4:37 am

I think the hardest thing is making people believe it beyond just looks. You know how in Oblivion NPCs would talk to each other? And how they always only talked about how disgusting mudcrabs are? It would be nice to see them actually discuss the weather, even if it is cliche. Using my month by month example, in the month leading to spring an NPC may say: "It's finally warming up, I could have sworn my toes were gonna fall off." In the month of spring he may say: "It's been really nice out lately, maybe I'll close my shop for a weekend and head out to my cabin." And finally, as it gets close to summer he would say: "Whew! It's definitely warming up outside, I wonder if it will get as hot as last year."

The only problem is I KNOW Bethesda won't do that, it would take too much time, effort, and unique voices :P
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 2:13 am

That'd be nice. As long as it's not just tacked on. Like, you go to this area and it's constantly in X season and then this area is constantly in X season, none of that. Dynamic seasonal patterns.
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Trista Jim
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 4:45 am

The game is probably designed so that a playthrough will take at most a few in-game months. With there already being an established 365 day year with 12 months so acceleration of the seasons wouldn't work from a lore perspective. Thus very few players would see more than one season and Bethesda is probably not making content that only a very small fraction of the players would see instead of something everybody can enjoy.
Different regions having different seasons is acceptable. Autumn and winter come earlier at higher elevation, thus while it is still summer in the lowlands, at a higher altitude the trees are already shedding their leaves or first snow may already have fallen.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 2:52 pm

Thats a great idea, but even the scaled down time frame in the game would be too slow, I think.
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 8:27 pm

One of the best things about Daggerfall was the seasons. I was thrilled when I first realized it had changing seasons. Since they did it back then, why not now?
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 4:32 am

It is a shame, because I have had a couple characters that have been played for close to a year in game. A lot of it was spent waiting/changing the game day via console but still. I know they wont do it because it is a waste of resources but it would be nice to see them do this and location based weather, like how it is irl (Weather changes on the equator with seasons but it is almost always [censored] hot lol)
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 9:28 pm

One of the best things about Daggerfall was the seasons. I was thrilled when I first realized it had changing seasons. Since they did it back then, why not now?

Really? I have'nt played daggerfall before, how did it work? Did it take forever to happen? Or was it smooth?
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Felix Walde
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Post » Fri May 13, 2011 5:27 pm

Really? I have'nt played daggerfall before, how did it work? Did it take forever to happen? Or was it smooth?

You would be walking through town and notice that the snow had gone away--if I remember correctly, there would at first be fewer patches of snow, then it would go away altogether. Mind you, the graphics weren't great, but for the time it was wonderful. After I noticed winter changing to spring, I played for hours to see all the seasons.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 12:03 am

One of the best things about Daggerfall was the seasons. I was thrilled when I first realized it had changing seasons. Since they did it back then, why not now?

It was a lot simpler to implement then.

As for the person asking how it worked; it was a 1:1 timescale. But that worked in Daggerfall because traveling on the world-map could take weeks or months, so large periods of time passed while you were playing.
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sat May 14, 2011 5:30 am

Since it's a fictional world, it's seasons don't need to resemble Earth's do they? maybe in the game, the planet could wobble on it's axis more frequently, creating shorter seasons. Or the planet could have a slightly more eliptical orbit. I don't know, just a thought. Although, it sure would be a pain for agriculture and such (although life would have evolved to fit that cycle). Not really a big deal if they do seasons anyway in my opinion since we'll be able to visit places that seemingly already represent different seasons as part of the trailer features a fall looking environment, which actually kind of hints at the possibility of seasons.
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