[RELz] Really AEVWD - Thread #4

Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:13 pm

You need to keep in mind that all of the poly reductions are being done via an automated tool. There's been no hand tweaking because I can't for the life of me figure out how to do stuff like that. And I don't really have the kind of time to bother with it either. Adding back the vertex shading is only going to lead to anomalies the way it was done prior to reduction.

I'll add the missing bits, but don't count on seeing any detail corrections on the shaded ledges since it's far too much of a hassle to have to learn the cryptic interfaces to these 3D modeling apps everyone seems to like.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:11 pm

You need to keep in mind that all of the poly reductions are being done via an automated tool. There's been no hand tweaking because I can't for the life of me figure out how to do stuff like that. And I don't really have the kind of time to bother with it either. Adding back the vertex shading is only going to lead to anomalies the way it was done prior to reduction.

I'll add the missing bits, but don't count on seeing any detail corrections on the shaded ledges since it's far too much of a hassle to have to learn the cryptic interfaces to these 3D modeling apps everyone seems to like.

Ok thanks Arthmoor! :)
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:43 am

Hi Arthmoor!

First I'd start by thanking you for this wonderful mod, it truly changed my gaming experience! Oh yeah, made me also upgrade my system, along with my old dream of using QTP3 - although I wasn't as inspired as you to get the 4870 with 2Gb, but got the 4890 with 1Gb - needless to say, the texture memory averages 8-900Mb normally, but jumps over 1Gb ocassionally, resulting in CTD... I know it is QTP3's "fault", but I like it too much to go back to Redimized (I also use Q's LOD normal maps - what an excellent complement to AEVWD!!!), so I cope with the CTDs.

However, I would not have bothered you with that much - I also don't know if my problem (to follow) is related to RAEVWD. So, some of the objects, especially in the Anvil area, are floating when in LOD, but are OK when closing in. Screenies:
http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot31.jpg becomes http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot32.jpg
http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot33.jpg (I believe Crowhaven)

Please note I have used the LOD Generator and I don't use any UL mod.

Here's my Oblivion.ini file, maybe I screwed up something there:

[General]SStartingCell=SStartingCellY=SStartingCellX=SStartingWorld=STestFile10=STestFile9=STestFile8=STestFile7=STestFile6=STestFile5=STestFile4=STestFile3=STestFile2=STestFile1=bEnableProfile=0bDrawSpellContact=0bRunMiddleLowLevelProcess=1iHoursToSleep=3bActorLookWithHavok=0SMainMenuMusicTrack=special\tes4title.mp3bUseEyeEnvMapping=1bFixFaceNormals=0bUseFaceGenHeads=1bFaceMipMaps=1bFaceGenTexturing=1bDefaultCOCPlacement=0uGridDistantTreeRange=15uGridDistantCount=20uGridsToLoad=5fGlobalTimeMultiplier=1.0000bNewAnimation=1fAnimationDefaultBlend=0.1000fAnimationMult=1.0000bFixAIPackagesOnLoad=0bForceReloadOnEssentialCharacterDeath=1bKeepPluginWhenMerging=0bCreate Maps Enable=0SLocalSavePath=Saves\SLocalMasterPath=Data\bDisableDuplicateReferenceCheck=1bTintMipMaps=0uInterior Cell Buffer=3uExterior Cell Buffer=36iIntroSequencePriority=3bPreloadIntroSequence=1fStaticScreenWaitTime=3.0000SCreditsMenuMovie=CreditsMenu.bikSMainMenuMovie=Map loop.bikSMainMenuMovieIntro=Oblivion iv 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h=1[Fonts]SFontFile_1=Data\Fonts\DarN_Roosevelt_28.fntSFontFile_2=Data\Fonts\DarN_Kingthings_Petrock_14.fntSFontFile_3=Data\Fonts\DarN_Kingthings_Petrock_16.fntSFontFile_4=Data\Fonts\DarN_Oblivion_28.fntSFontFile_5=Data\Fonts\Handwritten.fnt[SpeedTree]iTreeClonesAllowed=1fCanopyShadowGrassMult=1.0000iCanopyShadowScale=512fTreeForceMaxBudAngle=-1.0000fTreeForceMinBudAngle=-1.0000fTreeForceLeafDimming=-1.0000fTreeForceBranchDimming=-1.0000fTreeForceCS=-1.0000fTreeForceLLA=-1.0000fTreeLODExponent=1.0000bEnableTrees=1bForceFullLOD=1fLODTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.7500fLocalTreeMipMapLODBias=-0.2500[Debug]bDebugFaceGenCriticalSection=0bDebugFaceGenMultithreading=0bDebugSaveBuffer=0[BackgroundLoad]bBackgroundLoadLipFiles=1bLoadBackgroundFaceGen=1bUseMultiThreadedFaceGen=1bBackgroundCellLoads=1bLoadHelmetsInBackground=1iAnimationClonePerLoop=5bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=0bUseMultiThreadedTrees=1iExteriorPriority=50bCloneModelsInBackground=0iBackgroundLoadFaceMult=200fBackgroundLoadingPerLoop=20.0000fBackgroundLoadClonedPerLoop=5.0000iBackgroundLoadExtraMaxFPS=20iBackgroundLoadExtraMinFPS=10iBackgroundLoadExtraMax=3000iBackgroundLoadExtraMin=5iBackgroundLoadExtraMilliseconds=2iBackgroundLoadTreeMilliseconds=7iBackgroundLoadMilliseconds=1iBackgroundLoadLoading=1bUseBackgroundFileLoader=0iPostProcessMillisecondsEditor=50iPostProcessMillisecondsLoadingQueuedPriority=20iPostProcessMilliseconds=5[LOD]fLodDistance=500.0000bUseFaceGenLOD=0iLODTextureTiling=2iLODTextureSizePow2=8fLODNormalTextureBlend=0.5000bDisplayLODLand=1bDisplayLODBuildings=1bDisplayLODTrees=1bLODPopTrees=0bLODPopActors=0bLODPopItems=0bLODPopObjects=0fLODFadeOutMultActors=15.0000fLODFadeOutMultItems=15.0000fLODFadeOutMultObjects=15.0000fLODMultLandscape=1.0000fLODMultTrees=1.8000fLODMultActors=10.0000fLODMultItems=10.0000fLODMultObjects=10.0000iFadeNodeMinNearDistance=400fLODFadeOutPercent=0.9000fLODBoundRadiusMult=3.0000fTalkingDistance=2000.0000fTreeLODMax=4.0000fTreeLODMin=0.0400fTreeLODDefault=2.0000fObjectLODMax=15.0000fObjectLODMin=1.0000fObjectLODDefault=5.0000fItemLODMax=15.0000fItemLODMin=1.0000fItemLODDefault=2.0000fActorLODMax=15.0000fActorLODMin=2.0000fActorLODDefault=5.0000bLODUseCombinedLandNormalMaps=1bForceHideLODLand=0fLODQuadMinLoadDistance=65536.0000fLODFadeOutActorMultInterior=1.0000fLODFadeOutItemMultInterior=1.0000fLODFadeOutObjectMultInterior=1.0000fLODFadeOutActorMultCity=1.0000fLODFadeOutItemMultCity=1.0000fLODFadeOutObjectMultCity=1.0000fLODFadeOutActorMultComplex=1.0000fLODFadeOutItemMultComplex=1.0000fLODFadeOutObjectMultComplex=1.0000fLODLandVerticalBias=0.0000[Weather]fSunGlareSize=350.0000fSunBaseSize=250.0000bPrecipitation=1fAlphaReduce=1.0000SBumpFadeColor=255,255,255,255SLerpCloseColor=255,255,255,255SEnvReduceColor=255,255,255,255[Voice]SFileTypeLTF=ltfSFileTypeLip=lipSFileTypeSource=wavSFileTypeGame=mp3[Grass]iMinGrassSize=120fGrassEndDistance=4200.0000fGrassStartFadeDistance=3200.0000bGrassPointLighting=0bDrawShaderGrass=1iGrassDensityEvalSize=2iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=2fWaveOffsetRange=1.7500fGrassWindMagnitudeMax=125.0000fGrassWindMagnitudeMin=5.0000fTexturePctThreshold=0.3000[Landscape]bCurrentCellOnly=0bPreventSafetyCheck=0fLandTextureTilingMult=2.0000fLandFriction=2.5000iLandBorder2B=0iLandBorder2G=0iLandBorder2R=0iLandBorder1B=0iLandBorder1G=255iLandBorder1R=255[bLightAttenuation]fQuadraticRadiusMult=1.0000fLinearRadiusMult=1.0000bOutQuadInLin=0fConstantValue=http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/983713-relz-really-aevwd-thread-4/0.0000fQuadraticValue=16.0000fLinearValue=3.0000uQuadraticMethod=2uLinearMethod=1fFlickerMovement=8.0000bUseQuadratic=1bUseLinear=0bUseConstant=0[BlurShaderHDRInterior]fTargetLUM=1.0000fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.5000fBrightScale=2.0000fBrightClamp=0.2250fBlurRadius=6.0000iNumBlurpasses=1[BlurShaderHDR]fTargetLUM=1.2000fUpperLUMClamp=1.0000fGrassDimmer=1.3000fTreeDimmer=1.2000fEmissiveHDRMult=1.0000fEyeAdaptSpeed=0.7000fSunlightDimmer=1.3000fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000fSISpecularMult=1.0000fSkyBrightness=0.5000fSunBrightness=0.0000fBrightScale=1.2000fBrightClamp=0.3500fBlurRadius=3.0000iNumBlurpasses=2iBlendType=2bDoHighDynamicRange=1[BlurShader]fSunlightDimmer=1.0000fSIEmmisiveMult=1.0000fSISpecularMult=1.0000fSkyBrightness=0.5000fSunBrightness=0.0000fAlphaAddExterior=0.2000fAlphaAddInterior=0.5000iBlurTexSize=256fBlurRadius=0.0300iNumBlurpasses=1iBlendType=2bUseBlurShader=0[GethitShader]fBlurAmmount=0.5000fBlockedTexOffset=0.0010fHitTexOffset=0.0050[MESSAGES]bBlockMessageBoxes=0bSkipProgramFlows=1bAllowYesToAll=1bDisableWarning=1iFileLogging=0bSkipInitializationFlows=1[DistantLOD]bUseLODLandData=0fFadeDistance=12288.0000iDistantLODGroupWidth=8[GeneralWarnings]SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the"Warnings.txt" file for more information.SMasterMismatchWarning=One of the files that "%s" is dependent on has changed since the last save.This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this messagebut not necessarily fix any errors.[Archive]SMasterMiscArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Misc.bsaSMasterVoicesArchiveFileName2=Oblivion - Voices2.bsaSMasterVoicesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Voices1.bsaSMasterSoundsArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Sounds.bsaSMasterTexturesArchiveFileName1=Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsaSMasterMeshesArchiveFileName=Oblivion - Meshes.bsaSInvalidationFile=ArchiveInvalidation.txtiRetainFilenameOffsetTable=1iRetainFilenameStringTable=1iRetainDirectoryStringTable=1bCheckRuntimeCollisions=0bInvalidateOlderFiles=1bUseArchives=1sArchiveList=..\obmm\BSARedirection.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa[CameraPath]iTake=0SDirectoryName=TestCameraPathiFPS=60SNif=Test\CameraPath.nif[Absorb]fAbsorbGlowColorB=1.0000fAbsorbGlowColorG=0.6000fAbsorbGlowColorR=0.0000fAbsorbCoreColorB=1.0000fAbsorbCoreColorG=1.0000fAbsorbCoreColorR=1.0000iAbsorbNumBolts=1fAbsorbBoltGrowWidth=0.0000fAbsorbBoltSmallWidth=7.0000fAbsorbTortuosityVariance=2.0000fAbsorbSegmentVariance=7.0000fAbsorbBoltsRadius=5.0000[OPENMP]iThreads=20iOpenMPLevel=10[TestAllCells]bFileShowTextures=1bFileShowIcons=1bFileSkipIconChecks=0bFileTestLoad=0bFileNeededMessage=1bFileGoneMessage=1bFileSkipModelChecks=0bFileCheckModelCollision=0[CopyProtectionStrings]SCopyProtectionMessage2=Insert the Oblivion Disc.SCopyProtectionTitle2=Oblivion Disc Not FoundSCopyProtectionMessage=Unable to find a CD-ROM/DVD drive on this computer.SCopyProtectionTitle=CD-ROM Drive Not Found

I hope you will be able to help me - those things popping up like that are quite annoying... :(

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Alan Cutler
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:28 pm

I apologize for the double post, but it seems under Vista I cannot edit a post which contains one of the forum's "special items"... :(

However... Here's a couple more screenshots to better illustrate my issue:
http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot41.jpg andhttp://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot42.jpg (one step ahead)

Please help, it's driving me insane... :(

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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:23 pm

I apologize for the double post, but it seems under Vista I cannot edit a post which contains one of the forum's "special items"... :(

However... Here's a couple more screenshots to better illustrate my issue:
http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot41.jpg andhttp://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot42.jpg (one step ahead)

Please help, it's driving me insane... :(


I might be wrong, but I think that's an issue with your LandLOD, and so RAEVWD wouldn't affect that. All this mod does is add LOD meshes for architecture and rocks and so on, not land.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:29 am

I might be wrong, but I think that's an issue with your LandLOD, and so RAEVWD wouldn't affect that. All this mod does is add LOD meshes for architecture and rocks and so on, not land.

True, that's how it seems to me as well - that is why I specified from the beginning that I am not sure my problem is related to RAEVWD... However, I'm truly hopeful that someone who's visiting this thread (or maybe Arthmoor himself) might have had ran into this issue and knows of a solution...

EDIT: well, it is a game engine issue after all... :( I have changed the value of uGridsToLoad and the graphic ugliness is moving farther and farther - alas, at an unbearable FPS cost... I might have to switch back from QTP3 to QTP3R so I can use the uGridsToLoad at a higher value, as it really makes the medium-far landscape much better, blending in smoother with the closer landscape (as it is in fact the same), as well as with the LOD (since the eye cannot discerne any longer the difference at that distance, or it is simply hidden by closer landscape).

However, I am aware that tweaking uGridsToLoad may lead to other glitches or even CTDs - Arthmoor, what is your opinion on this?
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Sam Parker
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:03 pm

All of your issues are somewhat interrelated actually. The floating rock by the closed gate is because Oblivion gate meshes have no LOD, and even if they did, they're disabled initially and won't show up. That's not something that's fixable without creating the opposite problem of seeing the gate as an LOD before it actually exists and then stepping closer to find out it's not there.

The floating fort is because the game's land LOD is not accurate enough to properly represent the terrain. When tes4lodgen runs, it places the LOD objects at exactly the coordinates they belong on. Which is also how the CS does it if you were to be crazy enough to try generating it that way. That's not something that can be corrected for.

The break in the landscape is because the land meshes Bethesda provided are not all lined up properly. You can get a similar one over by Cloud Ruler Temple as you're walking north out of Bruma up the road. Correcting for that can be an incredibly big pain in the ass and requires using the CS to generate new land meshes. Which also doesn't guarantee it won't simply cause the same problems in new locations.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:45 pm

Thank you for your reply - you confirmed exactly what I thought after studying the issue for the last 2 days...

Anyway, here's 2 comparative screenshots to better illustrate my previous statement on the relation between uGridsToLoad and LOD:
http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot43.jpg and http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l256/Painkiller_rider/ScreenShot46.jpg - notice how the castle island and the castle itself (even some of the land behind the castle) change. Alas, look at the FPS which is halved (not to mention the Texture memory load, which is exceeding my 1Gb of Vram)...

Btw, I believe you've had an earlier discussion about the forts shadowing - I believe it is the same thing that's happening with the Anvil Castle walls (in the pics above).

Again, thank you for your reply - and I hope a good night sleep will lead me for the best decission tomorrow! :)

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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:32 am

It's highly inadviseable to alter the uGridsToLoad value as it will lead to bugs, most often the bouncing landscape bug. That aside, the reason it changes things is because it tells the engine to load more cells into the near view. You're seeing more stuff further out before LOD takes over again. Which is also why it killed your FPS and texture memory.

The shadowing problem on the city walls is Bethesda's fault - those meshes are there's and were not altered in RAEVWD other than to pass them through PyFFI and remove the data from them that causes anomalies.
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:45 pm

Hey, I'd just like to say I checked For Coldcorn out looking at it from near the light house at Annvil's docks, but it seems to sit on my land LOD fine. I have noticed some things not sitting properly in the distance due to the land LOD not match closeup terrain levels, but that's not one of them. I've only seen them like thrt if they're far away on a big slope(e.g a bridge on a slope on the other sie of the Nibenay basin then the IC.

Is there anywayy to generate land LOD that match's closeup tarrain height better? I'm asking because I thought I heard you mention something about generating height maps in the CS Arthmoor. That isn't anything to do with this is it?
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:41 pm

Yes, you can use the CS to generate new land LOD, but it's far from perfect and may give you results you end up not liking. I've even given some though to dropping what I did because it's actually made things worse in some areas. It's probably best to stick to only doing it with really significant land height changes. Like with Rolling Hills or Brena River.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:00 pm

It's highly inadviseable to alter the uGridsToLoad value as it will lead to bugs, most often the bouncing landscape bug. That aside, the reason it changes things is because it tells the engine to load more cells into the near view. You're seeing more stuff further out before LOD takes over again. Which is also why it killed your FPS and texture memory.

"Bouncing landscape bug"? I've read of the water shadow glitch (and a few others), but not about this one. Although I wouldn't be surprised... I know how the grid system works, I know that a value of 5 loads 25 cells, 7 loads 49 and so on - which is imho an engine limitation (due to the fact Beth made the game initially for XBox). My discontent is rather about how badly misaligned is the LOD terrain with the close terrain... But I already figured that one is an unsolvable matter, aparently...

You say generating LOD terrain in the CS might solve the problem, but it can lead to actually worse results - could you please elaborate on this a bit? I am currently working on a mod and elevated a bit an area on the mountain shoulder behind Mephala's shrine: the elevation is not that significant, it is affecting 2-3 cells only - should I generate land LOD for that? My question may sound noobish, as I am all new to this facet of modding...

The shadowing problem on the city walls is Bethesda's fault - those meshes are there's and were not altered in RAEVWD other than to pass them through PyFFI and remove the data from them that causes anomalies.

It doesn't bother me at all, it was just an observation. I live in an old house on a hill overlooking Danube's valley and a number of little towns and villages; the horizon line is on some hills on the oposite side of the river, some 15 miles from my location; I also have fairly good eye vision and I can discern details on buildings on the other side of the river. However, some details are lost to the eye, first of all shadows (they become more general, not anymore defined per building, but rather per area), so I believe that from that pov, there is no problem about shadowing on buildings. I know there is a value in the ini which can be altered to force shadows on statics (which would probably be a disaster for the system), but I rather believe that a landscape-based shadowing would make more sense, if applicable. In other words, when for instance at dusk the Valus Mountains should cast a shadow over the Nibenay Basin - so we can see the buildings in Cheydinhall shadowed before sunset. I know this is probably NOT possible, but if it would be, than it adds lot of realism.

Again, thank you for all your efforts to make our favorite game a better one (after Beth dropped the ball in so many areas)...

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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:20 pm

Generating land LOD seems to be a bit of a crap shoot. For example, it took me 2 days of wrangling in the CS over and over to produce a mesh that I was happy with for OC Leyawiin Reborn. Even then, it's not exactly perfect, but it doesn't have any nasty join seams with other quads and it matches up to the architecture LOD pretty well. Some of the results before I got that one working were obviously mismatched, sometimes missing parts they should have, other times half burying the bridges, and on a few occasions came out completely corrupted.

Now imagine trying to do all that for every quad in the game. With significantly more mods loaded at the time. It should become obvious that spending any amount of time on this isn't going to produce 100% satisfactory results, and will never achieve "perfection". It will mostly come out close, but as I've been finding, those nasty joins are all over the place and in some cases I've ended up burying things that used to be visible.

As far as your own mod, that depends on how much you've raised the landscape. If it's only a little bit, it isn't worth the fight. If you've raised a large mountain and it leaves behind obviously floating trees at a distance, it might be worth considering. You need to keep in mind though that land LOD is based on quads. A quad is an area 32x32 cells square. That's 1,024 cells in total. To give you some idea of how big this is, the end of the bridge at Weye is the west side of a quad, while the east side of it stretches to just behind the east gates of Cheydinhal. Generating a land quad isn't something to be taken lightly.

As far as shadows, the ini setting is broken. The code it used to control was taken out of the game. It does absolutely nothing. I wish it did, but with as much as this engine seems to chew on resources adding more for it to chew on doesn't seem useful. It's almost too bad you can't trick the game into thinking a 3D building is really a tree and get it to cast a solid "canopy" around the building.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:40 pm

Generating land LOD seems to be a bit of a crap shoot. For example, it took me 2 days of wrangling in the CS over and over to produce a mesh that I was happy with for OC Leyawiin Reborn. Even then, it's not exactly perfect, but it doesn't have any nasty join seams with other quads and it matches up to the architecture LOD pretty well. Some of the results before I got that one working were obviously mismatched, sometimes missing parts they should have, other times half burying the bridges, and on a few occasions came out completely corrupted.

Now imagine trying to do all that for every quad in the game. With significantly more mods loaded at the time. It should become obvious that spending any amount of time on this isn't going to produce 100% satisfactory results, and will never achieve "perfection". It will mostly come out close, but as I've been finding, those nasty joins are all over the place and in some cases I've ended up burying things that used to be visible.

I understand that all too well. However, what if "attacking" just the most visible part of it: the roads? Maybe as a part of your "Roads and Bridges mod", or a stand-alone, or even part of RAEVWD? Honestly, I know it is a huge undertaking, but I reckon it'd be worth the effort... I'd be one of the first to download and test it, as I believe that some of the amazing qualities that came with AEVWD are shadowed by crappy landscape LOD (most obvious that piece of the road to Anvil, which I was showing a few posts ago). Also, I believe that, if not 100% satisfactory results, then 70-80% should still be a better than good percentage! Anything is better than seeing a wall of LOD texture in the middle of the road, just a couple of cells away... ;)

As far as your own mod, that depends on how much you've raised the landscape. If it's only a little bit, it isn't worth the fight. If you've raised a large mountain and it leaves behind obviously floating trees at a distance, it might be worth considering. You need to keep in mind though that land LOD is based on quads. A quad is an area 32x32 cells square. That's 1,024 cells in total. To give you some idea of how big this is, the end of the bridge at Weye is the west side of a quad, while the east side of it stretches to just behind the east gates of Cheydinhal. Generating a land quad isn't something to be taken lightly.

Aye, my thing is only 2x2 cells, I basically raised and levelled a ledge over Mephala's shrine - thank you for your advice, I won't touch it. I will rather try to reposition the rocks such way their bottom will face the original slope and make sure there are more trees around to hide the eventual floating stuff when in LOD...

As far as shadows, the ini setting is broken. The code it used to control was taken out of the game. It does absolutely nothing. I wish it did, but with as much as this engine seems to chew on resources adding more for it to chew on doesn't seem useful. It's almost too bad you can't trick the game into thinking a 3D building is really a tree and get it to cast a solid "canopy" around the building.

A damn shame, I must say. Patch 1.2 fixed many things, no doubt about it, but also removed needesly some good things (even broke some). Funny thing is that, although I didn't play Fallout3, I saw the ini file and it is almost identical with Oblivion.ini - which leads me to the conclusion that the new engine, although better, is still much of the old one... Let's just hope next year TES5 will benefit of a better engine (and Beth won't write the game AGAIN first for a console, then port it on PC)...

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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:38 pm

I understand that all too well. However, what if "attacking" just the most visible part of it: the roads? Maybe as a part of your "Roads and Bridges mod", or a stand-alone, or even part of RAEVWD? Honestly, I know it is a huge undertaking, but I reckon it'd be worth the effort... I'd be one of the first to download and test it, as I believe that some of the amazing qualities that came with AEVWD are shadowed by crappy landscape LOD (most obvious that piece of the road to Anvil, which I was showing a few posts ago). Also, I believe that, if not 100% satisfactory results, then 70-80% should still be a better than good percentage! Anything is better than seeing a wall of LOD texture in the middle of the road, just a couple of cells away... ;)

Woudln't be worth it. The LOD land generation is an automated procedure. You don't get to pick and choose which parts it generates. And in the case of the actual painted roads, they only represent a fraction of what a quad holds.

A damn shame, I must say. Patch 1.2 fixed many things, no doubt about it, but also removed needesly some good things (even broke some). Funny thing is that, although I didn't play Fallout3, I saw the ini file and it is almost identical with Oblivion.ini - which leads me to the conclusion that the new engine, although better, is still much of the old one... Let's just hope next year TES5 will benefit of a better engine (and Beth won't write the game AGAIN first for a console, then port it on PC)...

Patch 1.2 didn't take it out. Static shadowing was never in the game at all.

I also agree - FO3 is a much improved version of the engine. For example, I cranked *UP* the LOD distance instead of down, and have dumped in oodles of 4096x4096 textures and it hardly seems to have noticed it. And FO3 has a lot more LOD by default than Oblivion does even with RAEVWD.
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:54 pm

Woudln't be worth it. The LOD land generation is an automated procedure. You don't get to pick and choose which parts it generates. And in the case of the actual painted roads, they only represent a fraction of what a quad holds.

Under those conditions, you are right... And it's sad, because, as I said, it's detracting from the game's beauty, especially when used with such an amazing mod as RAEVWD... For the sake of Xbox, Beth dropped the ball 2 times, both for MW and Oblivion - but at least MW has the excellent MGE, which allows Distant View, water reflections, AA, among many other things. I only hope one day OBGE will improve OB in the same proportion MGE improved MW...

Patch 1.2 didn't take it out. Static shadowing was never in the game at all.

Oh, I didn't know, I thought it was something they took out together with other settings... Probably it didn't work well on XBox, so they cancelled it in the PC version as well... :(

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Emmi Coolahan
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:06 pm

AFAIk, there is nothing not allowed about porting/making it on another engine.
Just look at OpenMW, that has permission to go ahead from Bethesda, personally I'm waiting for that to get finished, and then hopefully OpenOblivion :-)
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Eliza Potter
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 3:53 am

Lets keep talk of engine porting and file conversions off this thread, ok? I don't really want to see it locked early for that.

Honestly I think the only visual flaw that could stand to be addressed by a better method is the LOD land. Supposedly the existing engine can handle up to 4% detail level, but the current meshes are only 1% detail. Even something that could produce 2% detail would be hailed as a major improvement.
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:54 pm

Lets keep talk of engine porting and file conversions off this thread, ok? I don't really want to see it locked early for that.

I agree - and appologize... I just got carried away by the possibilities... I will edit the post.

Honestly I think the only visual flaw that could stand to be addressed by a better method is the LOD land. Supposedly the existing engine can handle up to 4% detail level, but the current meshes are only 1% detail. Even something that could produce 2% detail would be hailed as a major improvement.

Yup, that was where I started with my discontent (low quality LOD landscape, mismatching the close-up lanscape, floating objects, etc.). I understand that the game was not released with Distant View in mind, but only the "normal" foggy thing, hence the low landscape quality, but now, 3 years later, our computers can handle better things than at the game release date (and certainly better than an Xbox). So I reckon what you say would be a major priority in complementing AEVWD. I wonder if there isn't any ConstructionSet.ini value that can be changed to achieve that (although it looks just like an abreviated Oblivion.ini...)? Probably not, as the CS never ceases to amaze me how untunable it is... Maybe the creator of the excellent LOD Generator hears us and takes up this new challenge? ;)
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:27 am

You need to keep in mind that all of the poly reductions are being done via an automated tool. There's been no hand tweaking because I can't for the life of me figure out how to do stuff like that. And I don't really have the kind of time to bother with it either. Adding back the vertex shading is only going to lead to anomalies the way it was done prior to reduction.

I'll add the missing bits, but don't count on seeing any detail corrections on the shaded ledges since it's far too much of a hassle to have to learn the cryptic interfaces to these 3D modeling apps everyone seems to like.


I am working on this utility to automate pyffi

There has been a feature request to add your _far.nif optimizations.
Can you help me with this? If you can provide me a list of command line scripts that need to be run on each _far.nif I can integrate them very easily.

Your help would be much appreciated.

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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:51 am

I am working on this utility to automate pyffi

There has been a feature request to add your _far.nif optimizations.

I think RAEVWD has already been pyffi..pretty sure of it read the first page..state this under optimization..

Optimization using PyFFI after the above has been done.

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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:26 pm

I am working on this utility to automate pyffi

There has been a feature request to add your _far.nif optimizations.
Can you help me with this? If you can provide me a list of command line scripts that need to be run on each _far.nif I can integrate them very easily.

I don't actually know what command line scripts can be used to optimize _far.nif files because I did all the work on the ones in RAEVWD by hand in Nifskope. You'd also need to test your utility on someone elses meshes because none of the ones in this package need it, and it's generally not a good idea to double optimize nif files.
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Claire Vaux
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:09 pm

I don't actually know what command line scripts can be used to optimize _far.nif files because I did all the work on the ones in RAEVWD by hand in Nifskope. You'd also need to test your utility on someone elses meshes because none of the ones in this package need it, and it's generally not a good idea to double optimize nif files.

I don't run RAEVWD - well I tried, but my system couldn't handle it :(
I was just looking for help on a generic _far.nif optimization tool.
If it can't be done from the command line I won't be able to add it too my utility anyway :(

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Kate Schofield
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:59 pm

Well, I downloaded the mod (the screenshots are beautiful) but when I tried to unpack it WinRAR gave me lots of errors saying that most of the files are corrupted. I have Wrye Bash and I noticed the mod can be installed via Bash - if I do this, will it work or do I have to download the mod from another source? (I downloaded it from TES Nexus).

And just one small question: I have a 8600 GT with 512 MB, will this be enough to keep a reasonable FPS with RAEVWD? I don't have other big texture overhauls installed - just the vanilla textures and Enhanced Vegetation.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:15 pm

bumpity bump :D
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