» Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:24 am
Greetings Arthmoor,
Let me start this off by just taking a moment to say thanks for everything you do in this community. I see your posts all over the place, not just in your threads, and they're always very helpful and informative.
Second, you probably don't recall, but last year you were one of the folks trying to help me get my game straightened out. I was struggling w/ FCOM, Better Cities, Open Cities, and on and on. Regrettably, I was taking too many shortcuts back then to really know what was going on, but I thought you were really helpful all the same. Like I said, I doubt you remember that, but just in case, thanks again! I am much more diligent about things these days, BTW...
So, moving right along, I absolutely love RAEVWD. It makes my game look so much better, besides the more immersive quality that just make eveything feel "right", you know? It is a beautiful addition. And this is probably the best time to say that my question probably doesn't have as much to do with RAEVWD as just the concept behind distant LOD and how it works. The reason I am posting here is because it seems the most appropriate place, but if there's a more appropriate thread please let me know.
Basically, I have RAEVWD, and it works beautifully. I run TES4LOD4Gen if/when I make any changes, and the world is always beautiful once it's done. Now, I have a bunch of mods (http://sites.google.com/site/oblivionpoinfo/runoblivion/loadorders/vegtabill is on Tomlong's site if you want to have a look), and some add distant LOD data. A perfect example is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22962, placed up behind Dragonclaw Rock. The Tamriel and Bruma worlds both pick the Hero store up, and it is visible when distant, situated nicely near Cloud Ruler Temple. This particular mod does not include a distantLOD directory, nor any LOD files that I am aware of.
On the other hand, another mod that does include distant LOD files (LODs and CMPs), does not seem to do the same thing, and I am trying to determine why. The mod in question is http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9769, though I don't want to focus so much on getting that to work as I do on understanding why it is different, and what I can do about it.
I could have sworn I saw a not-too-old post somewhere by you where you were talking about "merging" LOD data from mods. Man, that is probably terrible terminology, but perhaps you get the idea? If you could point me in a direction or two, maybe to a link to something that explains these concepts in ways the feeble-minded can comprehend, that would be awesome! lol
Well, that's it. Sorry if this is a bad place for this, but I really wanted to get at some of your knowledge on such matters.