Basically, I want to play a Dark Elf assassin in my 2nd playthrough. I really want him to look lore-correct and not all bulky and stuff. From what I know, the Dunmer are pretty agile and I believe they are the strongest Elves, hence my question.
Basically, I finished all the facelook and everything, but what remains is the weight, e.g Physique. I'm stuck between the slider being half way or one down from half. I know all this comes down to personal preference, but I'd just like some views on how should a Thief/Assassin's physique should look like when he's a Dark elf, preferably lore correct.
Also, I've not seen alot of Dunmer in Skyrim. How do they look like, on average? Slim? Fat?
This is really obsessive and im probably spending too much time overthinking this and it should be down to personal preference, but yeah, any input would be good.