This is how I'd probably focus my perks~
1: One-Handed - Armsman (max asap.) Fighting Stance (take asap.) Bladesman (save for late game if you want it, but tbh it's a useless perk since the % damage is based off of your weapons base un-upgraded damage, even if it is upgraded.) Critical Charge (This one is up to you, though I find it very inaccurate since it's rare that your enemies stand still. If you do take it, take it late game.) Savage Strike (take asap, since with sword & board your block bashes will give you the time to do standing power attacks.) Paralyzing Strike (same as Critical Charge, I find it inaccurate since you have to rely on enemies walking into your power attack, which they rarely do. They also have to be right up in your face to land.) Bone Breaker (if you plan on using maces, take this asap since it helps a lot against Dragons, and any enemies that use armour.) Hack & Slash (useless.)
2: Block - Shield Wall (Max asap. If you plan on using fortify block enchantments later then you can reset the tree and put only 1 point into it, just to unlock the other perks.) Power Bash (required for Deadly/Disarming Bash. Don't bother getting this until you have at least level 50 in block. Why?-) Deadly Bash (if using a shield, it does 3x your shields base defence in damage. If using a weapon, it does 3x its base attack. Upgraded damage is not included.) Disarming Bash (take asap. Using a timed block bash can knock an enemy’s weapon out of their hands, rendering them powerless. Very handy against strong enemies, like Draugr Deathlords ect.) Deflect Arrows (Since you are using heavy armour, arrows shouldn't be much of a problem. You can also avoid arrows with ease most of the time, but take it if you plan on using-) Elemental Protection (to be honest, I usually either use magic resist enchantments, The Spell Breaker, or have the hidden perks which add to magic resist, which makes this perk pointless. But take it if you want-) Block Runner (once again, this is something I never take because I usually use the Steed Stone if using Heavy Armour.) Shield Charge (this one is up to you, if you do take it then leave it for end game.)
3: Archery - Overdraw (max asap.) Eagle Eye (take asap.) Steady Hand (max asap.) Power Shot (take asap.) Quick Shot (max asap.) Critical Shot & Hunter's Discipline (same as Bladesman. But take it if you plan on getting the Ranger perk *though if you use the Steed Stone, you don't need it*.) Bullseye (this is up to you, but It can screw up kill cams, as well as being cheap over all. If you do take it, leave it til last.)
4: Heavy Armour - Now... to be honest with you, in vanilla Skyrim I never took perks in the armour trees since with maxed out Smithing/Enchanting you can make a set with the max armour rating, magic resistance ect. I usually relied in Block to negate damage. The only perk I like from this tree is Conditioning, buuut with the Steed Stone it's pointless. If you aren't going to be using Smithing/Enchanting until late game, then max Juggernaut until you do smith/enchant your gear, after that just reset your perk tree.
5: Illusion* - This all depends on how often you use it, and which kind of illusion spells you rely on. Do you use it to fear, induce rage, calm, or buff you/your allies?
6: Conjuration* - This depends on which kind of conjuration spells you use. Do you use the Atronach/Familiar side, or the Necromancer side?
7: Enchanting* - Enchanter (max out.) Soul Squeezer/Siphon (I found them useless tbh. Soul gems are plentiful in the game.) Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, and Extra Effect (take asap.) Fire, Frost & Storm Enchanter (only take these if you plan on using any of these elements on your weapons.)
8: Smithing* - This all depends on what your end game armour/weapon is.
* = If you plan on doing the Dragonborn quest line any time soon, then I'd work on saving points for Enchanting and Smithing instead of Illusion and Conjuration. Max them both in level and perks, choose your end game gear, then enchant/upgrade them so you can reset your perk points and put them into your other skills, or different ones 
I'd also invest a little in Sneak for the Extra Pockets perk, though save that for late game.
Hope this helps