So that I can play that instead. Seriously what is this garbage? I reinstalled it today since I figured they would have made their game "fun" by now, but apparently all the casuals are enjoying their easy mode "Fallout" game. If you didn't know, I uninstalled the game a week after it was released due to the fact that I beat the whole campaign, explored most of the map, and found probably half of the buildings/caves that are available.
Let me just tell you that I had so little fun doing this that I would have rather gone to my boring as hell office job at half the pay than play this disgrace of a game. I tortured myself playing through this game, it was like Bethesda took a big giant crap on Fallout 3 and said "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Fallout 4!"
Removing skills, in-game acquired perks, and traits, and replacing them with these limited garbage perks that make little impact in the game? Cool. Too bad I couldn't get a refund. Also, the whole top-left region of the map is nothing but raiders. How inventive.