For me the dissapointment is definitly Battlefield 3. I know, it's in Beta, but ignoring all the bugs and people in it, the actual gameplay mechanics have changed so much that it's another generic market shooter like COD or MOH.
That's a shame. I love COD, but games definitely need to build on and maintain what originally makes them popular and in many cases sequals tend to ignore it and stray from it.
COD is great for its "die hard" style action arcade gameplay, and when they tried to add vehicles in those two installments it ended up hurting the game badly. I guess they thought "other war games have vehicles, we should too" and it got in the way of what makes COD fun and makes it the best arcade style shooter out there.
BF3 is fun because the gameplay is a bit slower, but the battles feel more epic and real and there is much more strategy to it with the heavy emphasis on vehicles. If what you say is true, that is a shame too. I have seen vids and I was dissapointed in the lack of destructive environments. Nothing was more fun than trying to defend a house in BC2 when it was getting blown apart by tanks.
Likewise, Minecraft became popular because of its sandbox nature and the fact that you could make anything you could dream of. Now it looks like they are taking it in a completely different direction. All the 13 year olds don't realize it and cry out with joy when they hear "adventure update" but I know that if the game goes in that direction, with leveling up and exploring, it will be like a completely lame version of something like TES. Minecraft didn't get popular because of its potential as an RPG, it got popular because you can build and in my opinion the developers need to be adding more tools for people to be creative with like pistons.
If I want hardcoe action, I play COD. If I want strategic, huge battles with vehicles and destruction, I play BF. If I want to play an awesome RPG, I will play TES. If I want to be creative and make awesome circuits, I play Minecraft. When those games try to do what one of the other ones has already done to perfection, they wont do it as well and it will get in the way of what originally made it attractive.