good luck finding a dungeon group without this addon. it shows you npc info too. pve will become trivial and future content will be designed around the use of add-ons.
good luck finding a dungeon group without this addon. it shows you npc info too. pve will become trivial and future content will be designed around the use of add-ons.
Much ado about nothing.
Look, the game was designed for you to use mods. How do I know this?
1. There is an addons tab in the game's main menu.
2. The addon API allows someone to monitor and use that type of data.
All of this stuff was implemented by the developers, so don't get mad at addon writers who are effectively using what information is available to them. Who you should be mad at are the developers for not having this functionality in the default UI.
I'm against mods that will give a definitive advantage against others not using the mod unless these mods get incorporated into the game as a whole.
I really dislike when you are required to use X/Y mod to raid, and thus stop using your brain to do so.
It's game breaking to have mods that make your PVP life easier. Just knowing someone's stamina/magicka level along is a huge advantage. Buffs adds an additional layer to that.
Totally against this mod on principle for myself and others.
Its cosmetic and i have seen the list to for the API of commands and there is nothing automated as such which can affect things.
Pretty much this, the dev's should simply remove the ability to view details which are not accessible through the game normal UI.
I understand they feel that the UI may be lacking for the sake of remaining simplistic, but turning a blind eye and making the game pretty much depend on addons and then say its simply optional its not a way to do it either.
I find the minimalistic Ui to give me enough information already, why do I need to know the enemy HP in number? Why do I need to know his armor in number, etc all that.
And also for the critical part comes the magicka/stamina bar, you simply can't leave that out of the main game UI and let addons cover that, you simply say "happy advantage to you".
Remove all those possibilities, simple as that. Any buff/debuff that has a visual attachment however should be able to be modded into text/image format since you can see that without the addon already.
go read the reddit post the OP linked. people are already automating and creating macro's with autohotkey because this FTC add-on provides them with the tools to make them.
When they announced that the UI was moddable, I imagine that it would only cosmetic stuff like changing the layout and graphics of the UI. Not taking advantage of other people through streams of otherwise hidden information. Well, good thing I'm not into PvP then.
Does anyone remember gear score? "Need X gear score to go to X dungeon / Arena." (Although to be honest I can remember back in the early days guild class leaders inspecting gear individualy and checking for specific pots/food buffs/enchantments. Fire resist pots for MC and Nature Resist for AQ. Addons just did it faster and more efficiently.)
There was also an addon to check and see if people were using certain addons.
And let's be honest, many of the addons (Deadly Boss Mods which showed when PvE bosses were about to do certain abilities, Threat Meter which showed aggro levels, Nature Enemy Castbar which showed when NPC's as well as other players in PvP were casting and what exactly it is they were casting and the cast timer of the spells/abilities.)
There were addons to show time left on your DOT's, addons to show cooldown timers for special abilities.
And especially important as seeing how PvP is such a huge part of endgame for Elder Scrolls Online, addons to show how long enemies had left on their special most powerful abilities. (Enemy healer has X amount of time left before their trinket is cooled down, bloodlust etc. ).
Some of these addons were absolutly essential and without them you were only gimping yourself immensly compared to other people that were using them.
The point of video games isnt always to min/max, top all damage meters, win every PvP match.
It is to have fun.
But getting the absolute crap kicked out of you over and over and over simply because you did not download the auto interrupt mod is just not fun in any way shape or form.
The way I see it this goes one of two possible ways.
Either these Elder Scrolls Online mods become absolutly essential to not getting steamrolled every single time you log in to play in PvE or PvP, or they block the game from showing this information and essentially lock out most of the mods aside from ui.
Me, personally? I will probably play it either way. But if they give the ability to have these mods, I am not going to be used as a doormat by everyone else who is using the mods. I will download and use them as well to stay competative and not get absolutly steamrolled into the gates of Oblivion.
Role Players who don't pvP and will never see endgame raiding content will probably not care either way. But everyone else might want to keep a very close eye on this.
thats exactly what people thought about the payment model also. and we see how that panned out.
Really like mods, and intend to use them if they do what I want, but don't worry - have zero interest in PvP.
It'll basically become World of Warcraft at that point where not using certain add ons gimps you in every aspect of play, which I don't agree with. Add ons should never become necesssity to stay viable.
Except we're not talking about the payment model, I don't see how that's relevant to the discussion.
but also take into thought that guilds and groups will be booting people who dont have addons. it will lead to prejudice and hate. and ruin pvp. eventually it will effect sales.
The simplest fix in history of gaming.
Don't allow addons to use information not available to normal UI, remove that from the API or w/e they use for the addons. I can't see any downside to it at all.
because we saw what they did with the payment model and we know they cant be trusted with issues like this.
I hate it when i HAVE to have a mod to stay competive it ruins the game , i have nothing against addons that are convenient to have but not a necessity ...
If you are to lazy to spend 5 minutes downloading and setting up a simple add-on I will enjoy taking advantage of your over and over again, though I would like it if they limited it so you cannot see enemy buffs. I am against all forms of automation and anyone using such programs needs to be banned.
I have tried the vanilla game. Found much information lacking. Downloaded the FTC and the info I needed was there - but I see where the problem is. I think any info besides health and active dots (without time) should not be available. The UI though should have:
- numbers for Magicka, Stamina and Health
- Damage numbers, dealt/healed/received
This is the bare minimum that is missing and would improve greatly the gameplay.
Couldn't agree more with the OP. I really hope that Zenimax takes note of these concerns and does something about it before launch. I 'm not interested in playing in a two-tier MMO.
It has nothing to do with being lazy, and if you think that's the issue you're gravely misinformed.
Some people are saying the UI mods fine because they are only cosmetic. However, even if such mods do not automate anything, seeing information that people without the mod can't gives a huge advantage- especially in pvp.
And in fact what some of the UI mods I have seen do is fly completely in the face of the game's design. We have a beautiful UI that is uncluttered and makes you pay attention to the action- not monitor hp bars and such. That makes the game harder and more immersive. With these mods you are basically required to have all that [censored] from other mmos on screen, what was the point of making such an amazing UI in the first place?
Definitely need to ban people for using addons that give them an advantage, in pve its fine use what you like but in pvp certain addons need banning. I remember in warhammer online there was an addon which would automatically use skills in a set order and use any situational skill when the situation it could be used was met. I imagine there will soon be an addon so that anytime a *press X* thing happens it automatically presses it for you.