Doesn't anyone read the readme files anymore? ever? Ya'll are acting like RAEVWD kills computers regardless of how it's installed and that's just not the case. If you install the entire thing blind and then wonder why your FPS took a dump, well..... but if you install it with the parts that aren't so demanding (forts, ruins, wayshrines, etc) then you'll hardly notice the difference. I don't really get how anyone has any cause to complain when this is explicitly laid out and solutions to FPS problems are mentioned.
That said, this ridiculous notion that Oblivion is unplayable below 60fps really needs to die and die quickly because it's a completely unrealistic goal with a modded game. This isn't a military shooter sim, you don't need split second reactions and faster-than-perceptible changes in images. The game runs perfectly smooth and fine as low as 15. The human eye is generally incapable of perceiving the difference above 24-30. It's an RPG, not a combat game. Slow down and enjoy it

Also, if anyone is seriously trying to play at 1920x1200 on a card that can't hack it with AA+AF enabled, I don't even know what to say about that. You should know better.