How many of you have actual bugs to complain about, and how many of you are just complaining because patch 1.2. dun' goof'd?
These are the main issues that I personally recall encountering:
* Bonechill Passage is extremely prone to CDT. I went through it twice, once up the hill, and then back down the hill, and crashed four times while inside this 50 foot passageway.
* Before patch 1.1, I had, including the four from Bonechill Passage, 6 CDTs. After patch 1.1, I was crashing at least around once every 45 minutes. After I did some searching I installed the skyrim4gb.exe from the SkyrimNexus and it fixed all of my CDT issues. I had around 130-150 hours played when 1.1 hit (I had a 5 day weekend <_< ).
* The Dwemer ruins of Raldbthar will bug when it resets (after 30 in game days), where the gears in which you interact with become jammed again, but the items jamming the gears are still laying on the ground from when you previously unjammed them, and there is no prompt to interact with the gears, preventing the player from progressing forward. This can be fairly significant if a player explores this location
*way* before you are actually sent there.
* Upon completing a Companions quest, I am not prompted with the followup quest because that location is shared with another quest (getting a Helm for one of the holds), and I need to wait the 30 in-game days for the dungeon to reset.
* The guy who runs the stables in Whiterun is imbedded in the ground (waist deep), and for some reason the game has begun cloning him. There are currently four of him standing around the original. Not game breaking in any way, and somewhat humorous, but a bug nonetheless.
Now, all that said, I have thoroughly enjoyed the 203 hours I have currently played. I have already begun working on some modding ideas and dungeons. Sure, there are things that I think the game could have done better at, like keeping spell-crafting, adding in fletching, doing a bit more with cooking, and having a bit better perk system (I was very disappointed with Speech, especially after some of the FO3 speech perks).
As for today's patch, my main character is a ranged-sneak that doesn't have any resistance gear, so I'm not that affected by it. I do have a low level Paladin that may have been affected by it, but I got distracted with my 100% non-combat thief and put him on the shelf. I can say that I have yet to see any backwards flying dragons, but I have only encountered two.