When the reviews for new vegas started coming out, they all mentioned the technical problems. At that point, i'd played for a couple of hours and hadn't had many problems yet, so i came to the forums here to see if anyone else was having major problems. as you all know, yea, the game apparently has some major issues. so what i've done is put the game away until at least the save game bug is patched. what i don't understand is why other people who keep getting these bugs continue to play the game and expose themselves to more frustration...i saw a thread where a guy said he restarted the game FIVE TIMES! really? if you keep experiencing the save game glitch, why do you keep wasting time starting over only to experience failure again and again? put the game away and do something else...simple.
furthermore, i can understand the frustration with obsidian and bethesda, but is it really necessary to keep flaming these guys? telling the devs how much their game "svcks" isn't going to get it fixed any faster. i've been waiting for this game for a long time and i'm certainly disappointed with the state it was released in, but i have no problem sticking it in a drawer for a couple more weeks while it gets patched.
How lame are you coming to the discussion on how broken the game is just to tell the people with a legitimate complaint to relax. Ya relax you only paid a good sum of money to have a non-functional game whats the big deal? First off, I am a business owner who sells custom built PC's. If I sold one that only worked have the time would I be able to say relax just dont use your computer until I have the time to work on it? The answer is no. That would not fly in the business world, not to my customers and I would not expect it to when I am the customer either.
If I sell a bad product I expect to get a pissed of customer and I would right the wrong instantly. However, this has never happened because I test all my comps through the strictest benchmarks before they ever leave. Put the game down for a couple of weeks is fine if you cant play it then that would be the smart thing to do, however, who knows how long I am going to have to wait for the patch to come out to fix these issues? Nobody knows cause they will not get on the boards and give us a update on a regular basis so we at least have a ruff idea of how long I am going to have to wait to play my game I paid my hard earned money for.
Dont jump on here judging others for their comments just mind your own business. Stop trolling the forums looking for people to correct. My complaining is not anything to do with you.