Umm how easy would it be to read and walk, it's one or the other
I′ve been reading The Lengend of Drizzt Do′Urden / The Hunter′s Blades / The Sellswords, recently on my way to and home from school, I start reading when I leave the house and only stop reading when I′ve reached the bus station when I enter the bus, I read on the bus and I read on my way after I reach the closest bus shelter to school.
And what have I found out ? That if you practice you become better and better at keeping the book still while you walk and you start walking in a way so that you don′t bump around much, it was a pain to start with like anything you learn is a pain at first but now after doing this for half a year I can do it with relative ease.
So maybe your character could read more easily if he had some skill or a high stat in something like agility maybe ? But it is possible with practice.
That's a really good way to make sure you have to use glasses in the future. Constantly refocusing your glance tires out the muscles that manipulate the size of the lenses in your eyes.
D: Are you for real ? Like really O.o ? Since I got my first pair of glasses just this month because my eyesight has been getting worse, reading while taking walks can′t be that bad can they O.o ? I′m just talking about maybe 10 mins to reach the bus station, 10 mins from bus shelter to school, 10 mins back to the bus shelter from school and then lastly 10 mins from bus station to home.
That could be a leading cause for my recent need for glasses ?