» Sun Dec 11, 2011 1:00 pm
Seriously, with the amount of distance that dragon skeletons fly around, I now feel obligated to clean up after myself. I'll waltz into Dawnstar or Morthal (yes, waltz), and suddenly... a wild dragon appears! Dovahkiin uses (insert favorite method of dragon-killing here); it's super-effective! And once the dragon is dead, well, you've got this massive set of dragon bones cluttering up the place. NPCs now have to walk around it, and we all know that dragon corpses really drive down property value, so I feel obliged to get rid of the bones by gently wafting a Magelight spell towards it's skeleton and watching it go flying. Not far enough? Time to bust out Incinerate! That'll blast the skeleton beyond the 360's draw distance!
It's now a formulaic occurence for me now: walk into city, kill dragon, blast remains away from city. Rinse and repeat.