Is it possible in F4 to redo our Perk allocations?
Say you get to level 35 and decide you would be better off if you had chosen different Perks.
Can you redo them?
Is it possible in F4 to redo our Perk allocations?
Say you get to level 35 and decide you would be better off if you had chosen different Perks.
Can you redo them?
If I could, I'd redo them...but you can't.
There's a mod that allows you to respec but it appears to be some sort of external utility rather than a simple reroll in-game. You can look into that
Well, in FO4 you can just keep leveling and then pick the Perks you missed. Just takes more time.
Not that I know of, unless you consider Strong Back 3, which makes you sprint when overencumbered and therefore drains AP, but that could be balanced by maxing out Action Boy so you spend less time waiting for AP to regen.
I have never tried that perk, as I understand it the higher your Intelligence the less effective it is. I have never heard of any penalties though. Does it do something negative when your Intelligence gets too high?
Are you on console ? On pc there are very simple console commands to modify attributes and redistribute perk points.
That is what I was going to say. You can't on consoles, but you can use the console on the PC.
The perk is great for second, third..etc..playthroughs...I'm on my second playthrough with it, and am about the same level as my first playthrough in easily half the time...
The higher your INT the less frequent Idiot Savant will activate...but I started out with 5 INT and after about level 20, bumped it to 6 (for science perks), and Idiot Savant goes off plenty...
if you have pc / console its super simple:
player.addperk *****
player.removeperk ****
**** = the perk code that you can find on the wiki
you need to add/remover ALL lvls for a perk - if you want rifleman 5 for example you need to add lvl 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - same if you remove a perk
works super easy....
Yes I am on a PC so the console commands would work for me.
I will see if I can find those on wiki.
considering there is no level cap, you' get all the perks no matter what.