» Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:53 am
Not all of us bought the PC version at day 1.
I did and honestly, I wish I would have waited. After finishing the SP campaign on Post Human in under 5 hours (not counting the endless cutscenes with Gould blabbering or pressing [Space] to use the defibrillator...) I think the game is not worth my money.
And I am not talking about the disaster Crysis became in favour of the console gamer - with tube like levels, scaled down graphics, a messed up suit and annoying messages like "press X to do this" and "press Y to do that".
I could not play with 2 GPUs since the texture flickering is insane, I had to finish the game without updating my suit because the game kept setting my nanos to zero and the MP, if you can connect anyway, is a big mess. More so since there is no anti-cheat system and pirates can play for free.
If I want to buy a new game I usually wait a couple of days after release to check for first impressions, then I buy. And in case a game is such a disaster like Crysis 2 is, with forums overflowing with complains, I will not buy it. My mistake I ignored my own principles this time, Crytek fanboy that I was.
So I really think it is Cryteks very own fault if the PC version is not selling.