» Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:49 am
He was travelling from Elsweyr where he spent the majority of his life until this point as a Mercenary/Assassin for the Khajiit forces within the region. Unhappy with the way things were going within his homeland, he decided to leave his old life behind and headed for Cyrodiil. During his time there, he was harassed by a few Imperial Legion Soldiers who harbored somewhat of a distaste for his people. Escaping with only his pride having been wounded, he ventured onward, but his hatred for the Empire would only continue to grow. Disgruntled, he made for Skyrim. Hoping to find somewhere he could settle for a while, although by this point he had become aware to how inhospitable that the people of Tamriel could be. Nearing the border of Skyrim, whispers began to reach his ears. Talk of Civil War between the native Nords and the Imperial Forces, a situation that he thought could be exploited. During his border crossing however, he was once more beset by Imperial Legion Soldiers. This time however he murdered one, while seriously wounding two others. He was spared an immediate execution by an Imperial Legate who decided it would be a fitting gift to present General Tullius with a Khajiit prisoner. An exotic oddity within Skyrim. Disgruntled, he was sent for Helgen as little more than an animal than a man.
Ulfgar Iron-Brand
As a boy, he grew up in Skyrim within Windhelm, yet during his tenth year, his father was called away on Legion business and so both he and his wife were forced to relocate to Cyrodiil. Ulfgar traveled freely with them, although the remaining members of his family would be left behind. Eventually each of them would perish as bloodline grew thin, and they married into new families, thus allowing the Iron-Brand name to fade into history. The Iron-Brand house was famed for their ability in the craft of smithing, held almost on equal terms with that of the Grey-Mane family. The art had been passed down from generation-to-generation through the years. And until this point, it had been all they had worked for in life. Ulfgar's father would work as a blacksmith for the Legion for many years to come, having his son Ulfgar as an apprentice. Twenty years passed, and both Ulfgar's mother and father passed away through illness, leaving him alone in the world. Yet the life of a blacksmith for the Legion was not a life he wanted to lead. Since he was a boy, he had held his head in the clouds, dreaming of slaying trolls, rescuing beautiful women, hunting werewolves, and any kind heroic deed that might be found in the common tome filled with myth and legend, or from the stories that his father would tell of their homeland. Four years passed, and he traveled from each corner of Cyrodiil to the next before finally deciding to head for Skyrim to return home. Yet as he made his way across the border, he stumbled upon the skirmish between the Stormcloaks and the Imperials. Taking him as one of the 'rebels', he was apprehended and carted off for Helgen.