Overall i see people stateing there own agenda with games and what THEY want not what would actually work, alot of people know that it is a business and that they need to make money in order to keep there doors open, and sometimes 2 out of 3 is better then 3/3 games that are flawless or close to it, look at the time'ing of the game release, could it be EA going and strong arming Crytek into release'ing all the games to boost Financial year revenues just a thought.
I have come to terms that pc users get the short end of the stick out of the 3 platforms, on the polls we are lacking compared to other platforms in regards to sales due to alot of them being download purchases now with steam and such, and that does have an effect both in part due to EA and there store partners such as Gamestop and other large chains of stores that need physical sales rather then downloads from steam and other download vendors, to compare sales in stores and in general but due to the situation downloads dont count so we dont count as a voice compared to consoles and there sales( im saying we due to having bought crysis 2 for pc).
And in order to boost it all they need sales done before end of the business year to stay in the black, problems with some games like final fantasy the online failure and other games forced some developers to release games with some hype to help boost numbers for them even if they where buggie at best or horribly flawed, that is my own oppinion about that anyway only thing that makes sense to me, if you look at the issues with crysis 2.