10 Reasons why Crysis 1 is better game than Crysis 2

Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:41 pm

1. Full Sandbox game
2. Story is going on a beautiful tropic islands (more green and blue colors in game, sea water looks 10 times better, trees and plants look almost photo realistic, also moves on bullet shots)
3. Better graphics with DX 10
4. Better storyline and atmosphere
5. Better characters (Psycho is legend)
6. Better Physics, interaction and destructible environment
7. More human opponents and less alien crap
8. More animals (birds, turtles, insects, fishes.... )
9. Suit voice more pleasant to hear
10. Epic soundtracks
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:23 pm

I would disagree with your first point, crysis 1 and warhead are still linear games, because they guide you through the story without letting you explore the full map, and the missions are assigned to you instead of you starting them. Games like GTA and Just Cause are full sandbox games, and I only have 4 complaints about crysis 2, no quick saves, no sandbox, no prone, and the scar has less attachments
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Symone Velez
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:10 pm

i will buy C2 soon and then i will repost in this topic!
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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:11 pm

I agree for the most part, but Crysis 1 is only part sandbox. You can't just explore the whole island, but instead your given your objectives and a wide area of operation which you can approach them from. Also, I don't think there are more human enemies in Crysis 1 compared to aliens, but instead I think they're more evenly balanced, Even when the aliens are attacking you can still find Koreans soldiers. Crysis 1 does have the best suit voices, Im particularly fond of the Female one from warhead.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:35 am

All the points listed are very subjective and most of them are even trivial, also, don't even try to say that Crysis 1 had a better story than Crysis 2. Crysis 1's story was predictable and done so many times before. Crysis 1 didn't have better characters than Crysis 2, Nomad wasn't much of a character and neither were the rest of raptor team, they were merely caricatures rather than actual characters.

Graphically DX10 enhancements were very minimal, except for motion blur and somewhat better lighting the game still looked like its DX9 counterpart. The claim that it is a sandbox game is simply incorrect, Crysis 1 is a linear game with alot of freedom as to how to get to the point that progresses the story, in this respect, Crysis 2 is not more linear than the original.
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Floor Punch
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:51 pm

1/ Only Game that theyhave released that was sandbox is Farcry, could take the handglider from one side to the other side of the island do what ever.

Crysis 1 was not a sandbox game had boundry's just like you have in Crysis 2, Crysis 2 has alot of options and semi sandbox as well, at no point would you fail a mission if you got caught or anything you could do the mission how ever you felt it should be done.

9/ There is a reason why it is Prophet you hear as the suits voice and such, and not going to go into it since there would be spoilers involved.

I Still view Crysis 1 as a benchmark game, same as fear 2 both games full settings everything maxxed go to town with destruction and such to see fps and compare your rig to others, crysis 2 good looking game nice lighting, but yes not as much eye candy as in Crysis 1, but when they finally get there DAMN patch made with DX11 it will blow us away.(wishfull thinking).....
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:47 am

11. has tons of attachments flash light sniper scopes ect.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:53 am

Both are games, both are fun, both contain the word Crysis, and both look awesome.

What more can you ask for?

Thread closed.
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u gone see
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:37 pm

I'm sad that all the contrarians are actually claiming Crysis 2 is a good game. It's for casuals, enough said. It destroyed everything that made the first game good.
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:47 pm

Crysis 2 is a good game, so is Crysis 1 (haven't completed Warhead yet so I won't comment on that), but they are also very different. I like the "feel" of C2 better than C1, I feel more like a bad ass steroid super-suited soldier in C2 than I did in C1.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:33 am

crysis 1 is better

end of story.

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helen buchan
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:24 pm

There are more reasons.
11. Free environment.you can compleate task in any way.ie.you can avoid enemys- snyky way ,ninja style-taking out targets silently, assult style- stright attack,etc.
you can reach objective in any way of forest
crysis2 dont give us free envirnment.You need to reach target the way game maker want to be.
12.Flexiblility of weapons..you have lots of attachments to consider.
13.lot more suit options.suit dont use energy to run .
14.killer graphics.hardware benchmarking gets allways started by crysis benchmarking today also.
and there are more reasons also
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KU Fint
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:28 am

singleplayer was better in C1, Multiplayer award goes to C2 (besides the bugs)

what i loved at C1 Singleplayer was that you had the feeling to be randomly dropped at a warzone where the fittest survives.
in C2 everything is prepared in a line, ammunition, weapons vehicles you just cant do anything wrong. In C1 i was thinking: "you should really explore every corner, maybe youll find some secret techlab with awesome prototype weapons"
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:13 pm

Crysis 2 is a good game, so is Crysis 1 (haven't completed Warhead yet so I won't comment on that), but they are also very different. I like the "feel" of C2 better than C1, I feel more like a bad ass steroid super-suited soldier in C2 than I did in C1.

In Crysis and Warhead we were playing as Delta Force operatives.
In Crysis 2 we were playing as a Force Recon Marine...
Think of Delta Force as an international SWAT team anything a SWAT team would do here in the States Delta Force does but its on an international level, hostages, counter intelligence, counter terrorism etc.

Force Recon is a reconnaissance team sent ahead of the forward line of infantry troops or "FLOT" and is designed to come up with enemy positions, Intel, etc. Two vastly different operations but all for the common goal of keeping terrorists out of America.

That is why Crysis and Warhead are preferred by some.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:08 am

Edit: Free bump since the site bugged out. :(
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:23 pm

12. Alien weapons

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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:26 am

C1 is ****. The physics are ****. The gameplay is ****. The only thing good about it was the setting. And wtf is with those vietnam guys, look like cardboard cutouts or something.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:47 am

All I see is more of the same. People expressing subjective preferences as facts. More stupid fanboy ****. Another waste of time thread.
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Brooke Turner
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:52 am

15. Crysis 1 had a seriously Bad ass Gauss Rifle

thats alot of fanboys if you ask me.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:32 am

1. Full Sandbox game
4. Better storyline and atmosphere
5. Better characters (Psycho is legend)
7. More human opponents and less alien crap
8. More animals (birds, turtles, insects, fishes.... )
10. Epic soundtracks

1. Neither of them were a full sandbox game, crysis 1 allowed you to go a bit off track but there wasn't anything to do
4. A story in Crysis 1? What story? There was no story, read Crysis:Legion(same story as Crysis 2) and you will see that it has a much better story. Even without the book it has a better story but the book adds a lot.
5. Psycho was an asshole. Prophet was better and even Nomad was better. Alcatraz beats them all while being dead.
7. I wanted more human enemys from Crysis 1, they ended with the alien ship. Crysis 2 have them mixed.
8. And what did they add? I never thought killing animals was fun so i don't miss them. On an island they are logical but turtles in NYC? There are cockroaches and i think that's enough.
10. It was epic and Crysis 2 has an epic soundtrack too. Main menu theme is awesome and i loved that almost every trailer had Sinatra's "New York New York" cover.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:15 am

1. Neither of them were a full sandbox game, crysis 1 allowed you to go a bit off track but there wasn't anything to do
4. A story in Crysis 1? What story? There was no story, read Crysis:Legion(same story as Crysis 2) and you will see that it has a much better story. Even without the book it has a better story but the book adds a lot.
5. Psycho was an asshole. Prophet was better and even Nomad was better. Alcatraz beats them all while being dead.
7. I wanted more human enemys from Crysis 1, they ended with the alien ship. Crysis 2 have them mixed.
8. And what did they add? I never thought killing animals was fun so i don't miss them. On an island they are logical but turtles in NYC? There are cockroaches and i think that's enough.
10. It was epic and Crysis 2 has an epic soundtrack too. Main menu theme is awesome and i loved that almost every trailer had Sinatra's "New York New York" cover.

You're a console player fanboy who loves COD style gameplays. You wouldn't understand us PC players. Crysis 1 should of been a Actoion/Adventure game, where you explore and relax in certain situations. Crysis 2 is hard-core shooter.
Crysis 1's story is way better than Crysis 2.
Crysis 1's soundtrack is ORIGINAL; Crysis 2 soundtrack is EPIC but not original.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:10 am

Both are games, both are fun, both contain the word Crysis, and both look awesome.

What more can you ask for?

Thread closed.

3 pages later, and you look like a pompous douche.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 2:45 pm

In future mods for Crysis 2 they should include a scenario where the ceph go into Central Park zoo and a few of them get their asses handed to them by lions and bears. Oh and possibly wolves.
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Sarah Bishop
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Post » Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:29 pm

1. Neither of them were a full sandbox game, crysis 1 allowed you to go a bit off track but there wasn't anything to do
4. A story in Crysis 1? What story? There was no story, read Crysis:Legion(same story as Crysis 2) and you will see that it has a much better story. Even without the book it has a better story but the book adds a lot.
5. Psycho was an asshole. Prophet was better and even Nomad was better. Alcatraz beats them all while being dead.
7. I wanted more human enemys from Crysis 1, they ended with the alien ship. Crysis 2 have them mixed.
8. And what did they add? I never thought killing animals was fun so i don't miss them. On an island they are logical but turtles in NYC? There are cockroaches and i think that's enough.
10. It was epic and Crysis 2 has an epic soundtrack too. Main menu theme is awesome and i loved that almost every trailer had Sinatra's "New York New York" cover.

You're a console player fanboy who loves COD style gameplays. You wouldn't understand us PC players. Crysis 1 should of been a Actoion/Adventure game, where you explore and relax in certain situations. Crysis 2 is hard-core shooter.
Crysis 1's story is way better than Crysis 2.
Crysis 1's soundtrack is ORIGINAL; Crysis 2 soundtrack is EPIC but not original.

Honestly, this makes you sound like SUCH a douche right now.

If you're representative of PC players, I'm glad I aint one of em.
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Post » Fri Mar 18, 2011 2:12 am

1. Neither of them were a full sandbox game, crysis 1 allowed you to go a bit off track but there wasn't anything to do
4. A story in Crysis 1? What story? There was no story, read Crysis:Legion(same story as Crysis 2) and you will see that it has a much better story. Even without the book it has a better story but the book adds a lot.
5. Psycho was an asshole. Prophet was better and even Nomad was better. Alcatraz beats them all while being dead.
7. I wanted more human enemys from Crysis 1, they ended with the alien ship. Crysis 2 have them mixed.
8. And what did they add? I never thought killing animals was fun so i don't miss them. On an island they are logical but turtles in NYC? There are cockroaches and i think that's enough.
10. It was epic and Crysis 2 has an epic soundtrack too. Main menu theme is awesome and i loved that almost every trailer had Sinatra's "New York New York" cover.

You're a console player fanboy who loves COD style gameplays. You wouldn't understand us PC players. Crysis 1 should of been a Actoion/Adventure game, where you explore and relax in certain situations. Crysis 2 is hard-core shooter.
Crysis 1's story is way better than Crysis 2.
Crysis 1's soundtrack is ORIGINAL; Crysis 2 soundtrack is EPIC but not original.

console? that piece of outdated ****? i hate consoles and im have always supported PC and i am a BIG fan of crysis but i dont see a great story in it. A group of soldiers investigate an ancient ruin, kill some koreans and aliens, discover that their ****, bring down some mothership and get back to the island. It was straight forward story, no background information, no surprises. Crysis 1 had a great MP but it died, gameplay was great, everything was great except the story, even Crytek said they didn't spend that much time on story.
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