4E 233
After years of being slaves and being mistreated by the Empire, the tribes of Black Marsh have joined together and have began to rebel against the Empire and its province of Elsweyr. During the begining of the war, the Empire tired to bribe Morrowind into helping in the fight against the Argonian Rebels, but the kingdom of Morrowind knew better than to try and invade the disease infested Black Marsh, leaving the Empire and Elsweyr to fight on their own against the determined Argoinan Tribes.
4E 235
Thurdas 23
The day was wet and humid, the legions of the Empire had gotten bogged down just 145 miles (233 kilometers) south east of Stormhold in north western Black Marsh. The forces from Elsweyr had tried to make a push towards the town of Gideon, but had also gotten bogged down just 234 miles (376 kilometers) from the city. The communication routes from the Legions to the Kahjiit had been cut off for days, the supply routes faired no better in the hellish weather and terrain of Black Marsh. Message after message the legion Commanders tried to regain connection with their allies and even with each other, but neither the message or messanger returned or made it to their destination.
A tall man in Legionnaire armor motioned to a young immperial, that was sitting under a tent keeping dry from the constant rain."You messanger! come over here, I need you to send this message. It is to Commander Risen of the 6th Legion, it is very urgent and very important that he gets this, do you understand!", the boy nodded and quickly grabbed his rain coat and was off to send the message.
"You know you just sent that boy to his death", a voice said from behind the Legionnaire. The legionnaire turned around, seeing that it was one of his officers, "Yes I know, he will hopefully make it to Risen, and then we maybe able to continue our offensive", the officer looked at the commading legionnaire with a worried look of dispear.
"We have'nt been able to move since the rain season started, all our soldiers are wet and tired. Some are even diserting from the front, all they want to do is return to their families! What makes you think that we could continue this "offensive"?", the commanding legionnaire looks away for a moment, taking a deep breath of the fresh air.
"Because Captain Tordon, this is the Empire!", the captain lower's his head, and walks off back to his postion, as the Commanding Legionnaire returns his attension to a map of the battle front.
The argonian army had begun to have a field day with the legions. Raid after raid the argonian army grew stronger with soldiers and with weapons. Most of the weapons that the argonian attacked with were weapons that they had raided the night before from the legion's weapons tents. Argonian Tribal leaders spoke amoungst each other about their plans for the counter offensive around Stormhold and Gideon.
The large tent rested in the middle of a dark wet forrest surrounded by smaller tents that sheltered argonian tribal warriors. The tales of the argonian tribal leaders swung and flicked around, as they quietly spoke of their plans.
"The messangers that have been sent out by the legions, have grown more and more frequent. I think that they may try and create another offensive against Stormhold?", the dark brownish argonian said with a hiss to his voice. The other four argonians looked at him and each other as they thought.
"We should move my tribe to their eastern flank. It would catch them by surprise, if they saw my tribal warriors attacking from behind. The legion commanders would'nt be able to manuver their force's to heed my oncoming attack!", two of the less exspirenced war tribal leaders histed at the thought.
"I agree, let Arrow-Dark-Hill move his tribal warriors to the eastern flank, I shall be the legions diversion during the attacks!", the older tribal leaders looked at each other and to the younger tribal war leaders.
"Our warriors are not armored to take on a legion from the front. Our use of fighting in-depth has brought us much luck and good fortune, we shall continue to hold our postions and continue to make raids. Once we have broken their forces up and have destroyed their constant patrols, then we shall attack them with a frontal assault", the two young tribal war leaders bowing their head, stood up and left the tents followed by their body guards.
The next day the rains continued and the legions made no progress in taking Stormhold, all the legions could do was to send out, small squads of search and destroy patrols. Down south, the Kahjiit commanders had made little progress through the marsh. The lightly armored kahjiit approached the city of Gideon, exspecting the whole southern tribal army of Black Marsh to be awaiting. The Kahjiit, were on the very outskirts of the city, they too sent search and destroy patrols into the city and surrounding area, to try and find the argonians by any means necessary, but the patrols were always ambushed or never found anything...
Ok I think we've all heard enough about the story and such, so lets get to it.You can play as a Kahjiit soldier of anykind. The kahjiit army wears light armor. Or you can play as a Argonian Rebel. Either way you will meet each other on the battle field or meet each other by being ambushed or surprised.
If you play as a Kahjiit or Argonian, you all start in your respective spot. Argonians start in Gideon, while the Kahjiit start on the outskirts of Gideon. Gideon is surrounded by marshlands and forrests, so most of the battles will take place there, until I post something moving the two armies to some place you must stay around Gideon.
Charcter Sheet: Follow This EXACTLY.
Nickname(No nickname is fine with me)
Age:(Keep it reasonable)
Gender:(Male/ Female)
General Appreance: (What they look like)
Armor: (Both factions use light armor so they dont get bogged down)
Faction( Argonian Rebel or Kahjiit Invader)
Misc/ Enchanted items:
1. I'am the master of the Rp, what I says happens, it happens. I move the story along, no one else. If I'm gone for a while, then the Rp shall stay were it is, until I return to progress the story. I promise I wont stop the Rp in the middle of a battle of a really importan part of the story.
2. No UBERING or INSULTING other players (Please be respectful)
3. Use your PM to talk to me or others outside the Rp.
4. If you dont remember Rule 3, please use "OCC's", to talk out of character (Do NOT over use OCC's)
5. If you have a problem or idea for where the Rp could go, send them to me via PM.
6. Romance and such can be in the Rp, but I dont know where your charcter will find the time.
7. Swearing or using profanity is ok, just dont have your charcter swearing in every post.
8. No all knowing charcters. (I dont want someone to know what another character is thing)
9. You will DIE, there is no doubt that you will die. If your character does die, you are welcome to make another.
10. You never post about your outcome of a fight against another player. You must wait until that player posts to see what happens. such as you would post, "I fired the arrow at the kahjiits head, dropping his dead body to the ground", you would post, "I fired the arrow, aiming for the Kahjiits head..."
11. Keep track of your charcters, I will watch them, just incase you are gone for a while and are unable to post.