This is the first assassin I've submitted since my first character in TES RP. I know this class is on thin ice, so tell me if I ever start to fall in.

Name: Kyven Darethi
Nickname: "The Candleman"
Race: Dunmer
Age: 63 (looks 30ish)
Gender: Male
Loyalties: Boethiah, but he doesn't tell his clients that
Class/Position: Assassin-for-hire, part-time candlemaker.
Physical Appearance: Kyven is thin and rakish, but well-kept and hygienic. He keeps his red hair oiled back and trimmed neatly behind his ears. He often wears a sardonic smile, but otherwise has the poise and manner of someone high in class.
Defining Features: He wears a red tattoo in the shape of a flame at each temple; the tattoos are obviously meant to be used to identify him.
Regular Apparel: Sleek black jacket and breeches; he looks like a gentleman in mourning. When he's working with his wax, he tosses a brown workman's apron over it.
Armour: A full suit of netch leather, dyed black seemingly just for the effect.
Weapons: Ebony longsword with red runes etched into the side in Daedric. This is the one thing that really seems serious about him. Also, he keeps an assortment of hidden daggers (sleeve, boot, small of his back), just in case he's disarmed. He occasionally takes one out to carve wax.
Items: He has a horse and a small, coverless cart. The cart is strung with lanterns of all different shapes and materials, and is stacked with boxes of candles, candelabra, and materials. Some of those candles are made of a highly poisonous material; he likes to have people guess which ones are safe, and then light them, whether they are or not.
Personality: Kyven makes no secret about what his profession is. He is a self-described "mer with no nation," glibly telling people his greatest loyalty is to the one who pays him the most. His sharp, somewhat morbid sense of humor is ever-present, especially in inappropriate situations, and especially when it annoys people.
He is laid-back, and surprisingly artistic for someone of his profession. Kyven has a particular appreciation for symbolism. He also, naturally, has a propensity toward scheming, and can be alarmingly (and unashamedly!) two-faced.
He takes his moniker from his connection to candles. He makes and carves candles in his free time; he is known to both use candles to poison people, and to leave small wax figurines as calling cards. He considers each a small devotion to Boethiah, so takes them quite seriously.
Goal/Motivation: As a loyal servant of Boethiah, he wants to make sure no one faction gains power over the others. Boethiah thrives on anarchy and overthrow of authority, and so highly enjoys the current situation. Kyven is to maintain the status quo. Specifically, he wants to make sure no one regains the Imperial City, since whoever did would have a symbolic advantage in reuniting the Empire.
Any Favorite/Hated Races: He has a particular distaste for Dunmer (traditionalists, anyway).
Short Biography: Kyven grew up in a small town near Necrom. His parents clung to the warped vestiges of Tribunal teachings, and drilled the words of the ALMSIVI into Kyven's head from a young age. He embraced them... until, as an adolescent, he was brought to the sacred city of Necrom. There, he saw how weak the Tribunal had become, and rejected the teachings of the Tribunal.
One aspect of the Tribunal did appeal to him, though, and that was Almalexia's anticipation: Boethiah. Kyven first came to the Prince of Plots in an effort to escape his suffocating family. Boethiah granted him freedom in exchange for Kyven's promised service: a contract Kyven agreed to.
Boethiah had him send away for a particular candle--one poisoned with Nightshade powder--and plant it in his parents' bedroom. Not knowing that it was poisonous, Kyven did so, and was horrified to find his parents dead the next morning. He was traumatized, and railed against Boethiah, but the Prince of Plots refused to let him back down on his deal.
Kyven was freed to take up the cause of Boethiah. He headed for the nearest Daedric Shrine, and spent twenty years training his swordsmanship and alchemy up. Over time, he came to forget the pain of his parents' deaths, and see Boethiah's gift as the honor it truly was.
After he was sufficiently trained, Kyven was sent out as a killer-for-hire, tasked with seeing that the Empire never returned to its former glory. He's wandered the countryside for the past twenty years, working under the very shallow guise (that not even he bothers to keep) of a candlemaker. He's known as "the Candleman" in certain circles, and this is the name he responds to as a professional assassin.
Family: Kyven's parents were part of a village of suffocating Tribunal traditionalists in eastern Morrowind. In short, he killed them (see the Bio for the long version). Now, he quite proudly dubs himself "a mer with no nation."