Got a new PC back in December. Main reason I got it was to max out Skyrim as the old PC couldn't even use the HD DLC. I have:
Window 8 (which I HATE by the way) 64bit
Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz, 4 Cores
What happens however is when I play (and sometimes when the PC is just sitting there on) the thing just shuts off and restarts. It's quick, but it often does it while I'm playing. Originally it only did it after playing 4 or 5 hours straight. Now it seems like it does it every 30 minutes.
I ran a Windows Memory Diagnostic and it found nothing. I even had it set to run on start-up and it did it right after one of the shut downs. Still it found nothing.
Playing Skyrim seems to speed up the shut downs, but I don't know what's causing it.
Any idea's as to what to check? Any Skyrim setting that may slow them down a bit?
Extra question. While playing, and even while typing this, I hear a ding ding ding and my keyboard will lock on the last key I pressed. In game it means my guy will be stuck running some direction or whatever until I hit the key again. Again this is Windows 8 and I think its some messaging system running in the background but I can't find it to turn it off. Any ideas?