Oblivion had a great system of followers and essential NPC's. I like people who can go with me on dangerous missions and not die in the first three seconds. The followers who ressurected were great but the followers who just became unconcious were gold, the mix was important I think because I could morn the loss of a battlehorn guard but it wouldn't hinder the gameplay like it would if Mazoga the Orc died.
Morrowind had a lot more factions you could work for which made everything more intriguing and it had a wierd landscape which was really cool but oblivion was just...gorgeous. Fallout 3's bland environments hopefully won't show up anywhere around Nirn (not that F3 didn't rule) but what wasn't bland were the effects they pulled off in that game. It would be pretty amazing to do some magical mini Nuke while being attacked by trolls or something and the fire effects were kick ass! You know that shock and Fire spells are going to look great but it'll be interesting to see what effects and lighting each of the spells give off.
I wan't to be able to cut off vampire heads! Dismembering zombies in dark dungeons will be cool but Hitting someone with a telekinesis spell that knocks them down and then stacking it with a huge fire spell that turns them into ashes then turning around and freezing somebody and shattering him with some ax or blasting him with a new string of "earth" related spells, maybe a meteor or a falling boulder, would be amazing.
Oblivion is my favorite game, I've added it up and I've spent 56 full days playing it between nine characters all on the 360 with all the official mods (even the crappy horse armor). All they would have to do to make me happy is copy it, update the physics, graphics, add a few more quests, add more creatures (good and bad ones), add more options in the start menu like the ability to customize the HUD more and take out the compass, bring in a "hardcoe mode" option like New Vegas is getting, ad a bunch of randomized encounters, travelling merchants and a ton of non important (generic citizens or wastelanders) NPCs like F3 especially in the large towns and cities, add a few ownable businesses and few more items/weapons/armor/ownable homes and maybe a couple new materials (wood and stone? Some magical substance possibly hard light or organic like bone or some large beasts tooth and scales) and finally, add random repeatable missions at the end of each of the guild mission strands so it doesn't feel like you beat it and now the guild doesn't really do anything anymore but sit and talk about you.
One last thing... Let me turn anyone into a follower if they like me enough or I pay them enough and allow me to trade with them so they can have better weapons and armor to use. I want to control an army (six-seven people at a time while I make the others wait in various places).
Thanks for Reading