"Recent News" on Steam cites mass criticism!

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:52 pm

It's the state of today's gaming industry and sadly WE the CONSUMERS are to blame for it as well.

Yes we are. We keep on buying the games.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:04 am

Kotaku is a trash news site anyway. They are to gaming what FOX news is to the real world.

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daniel royle
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:39 am

I'm with the people who think that other people are way overreacting to the little problems in Skyrim. I for one am glad they released it on time, and I've been able to play it for the past 3 weeks. Does it need some "polish", fixing occasional crashes, ui frustrations, etc? Yeah, absolutely. Is the game a "total mess"? Heck no. It's a great game, and shows that gamesas has been working very hard for the past 3 years or so developing this game. Elder Scrolls games are enormously complex, and eventually the company has to come to a decision whether to release, and then keep working on it, or keep it in "Duke-Nukem-Forever" mode and never finish the game.
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joseluis perez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:55 pm

Kotaku is a trash news site anyway. They are to gaming what FOX news is to the real world.

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natalie mccormick
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:41 am

the fact is you can (like me) play for 60 hours and experience only a single crash to desktop and none of the other bugs.

some things are RNG and may effect your playstyle more than it did mine.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:45 pm

They're called regression tests for a reason. It does not matter where you make a change. You test the build. Not the line you add.

They made the changes, ran the current build and everything seemed fine. They had no reason to stack resists and run up to a dragon to make sure they were registering properly because it had nothing to do with their build changes.

These are quick fixes; these patches are not going to be beta tested and they may have unforeseeable problems. It's inevitable, no one's going to get fired and you're just being dramatic. Bethesda only needs to be on top of these weird bugs as they happen; them happening isn't some kind of unusual failing.
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Brian Newman
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:07 am

If your patch breaks more things than it fixes you deserve some criticism.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:29 pm

They made the changes, ran the current build and everything seemed fine. They had no reason to stack resists and run up to a dragon to make sure they were registering properly because it had nothing to do with their build changes.

These are quick fixes; these patches are not going to be beta tested and they may have unforeseeable problems. It's inevitable, no one's going to get fired and you're just being dramatic. Bethesda only needs to be on top of these weird bugs as they happen; them happening isn't some kind of unusual failing.

Regression test suites have absolutely nothing to do with beta testing. With all due respect, you really don't know what you're talking about.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:27 am

Regression test suites have absolutely nothing to do with beta testing. With all due respect, you really don't know what you're talking about.

I know what regression testing is and it doesn't always find everything. Every big software developer releases buggy software and updates; where and when did you ever get it into your head that regression testing was the end of bugs? What pissy little applications do you work on that come out flawless with every update?
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:04 am

I agree people are overreacting, however
whoever saying thing like

"there will be bugs anyway, svck it up son!"


"It's players' fault not developer!"

is simply [censored]
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:43 am

If your patch breaks more things than it fixes you deserve some criticism.

^^^ This
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:38 am

I know what regression testing is and it doesn't always find everything. Every big software developer releases buggy software and updates; where and when did you ever get it into your head that regression testing was the end of bugs? What pissy little applications do you work on that come out flawless with every update?

I agree with him that you don't seem to know what you're talking about. But, carry on....
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:17 am

I love that in the "Recent News" section of Skyrim in Steam, Beth is slammed for making things worse with the patches to date! They also link to the "Unofficial Bug list" in the forum to point out just how much needs to be patched. I hope some of the news sites pick up on the fact that even the service used to deliver the game to consumers needs to point out just how much work this game needs! I bought Arkham City on sale to have something to play until this mess gets sorted out; ironically it's a bloody mess as well! How unfortunate that having a love for deep and engaging games now means putting up with this crap. Badly done, Beth. Badly done. Oh; and yes... I should have known, having owned Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout, and FNV.

Just to ask something about the OP: How in the world is Arkham City a "bloody mess"? I bought it for the 360 and not only is it the best game of the year, it works flawlessly. It's the only game that can vie with Skyrim for Game Of The Year, although Mass Effect 3 probably would have been in the running had it come out this year.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:32 am

...Ok; so I love that the biggest "News" from different game sites is that Beth needs to get it's a** in gear and fix their game. And whether it's controled by TPTB at Steam or not it's still what people are going to see when they're hovering over the "buy" button and that's the kind of thing that'll motivate Beth to fix the darn game. Don't get me wrong... I WANT to be playing this game. That's why I'm here early Wednesday morning trying to read about it being fixed. Instead I see the headline... "Did the Skyrim Patch Make Things Better? Or Worse?" when I load up Steam this morning hoping for some Skyrim play time!

Wait, so you're criticizing Bethesda because their game, containing hundreds of hours of content, has some bugs that need a little extra time to sort out, but you couldn't be bothered to take a few moments to correctly identify the source of the article you use to support your mere paragraph of criticism? Lay off the mead, son...
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:19 am

Bethesda definitely does not deserve to be slammed for an awesome game like Skyrim. It's not reality and it's not fair. There's been way too much overreaction to every little thing. If people couldn't handle some bugs that go along with such a huge game right at release, they should have waited for a few months and some patching. What a downer...my game is awesome and I know any problems will be fixed.


Do you come from Planet Naive? Was the buggy as hell FNV fixed? They have your money, job done
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:15 am

I agree with him that you don't seem to know what you're talking about. But, carry on....

Non-responses like this usually come from people who aren't grasping the subject matter, so please elaborate.

Most methods of regression testing can and will miss a lot on complicated software, but it's fine if you want to pretend it's infallible and big companies only release buggy software because they think it's funny. It's also curious that some companies will beta test big patches when regression testing is 100% accurate. Stupid software developers; if only they would listen to the children on their forums.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:37 pm

Yes, really. The way everything interacts and changes based on a myriad of actions you can take makes this kind of game way more complex to code than most MMO's. The scope of this game is tremendous from an internal coding perspective.

Obviously they weren't working on resists and had very little reason to test them. What happened from their seemingly unrelated changes to break this functionality is probably a convoluted mess. Coding a game like this svcks in every sense of the word. Don't be dense.

That's just BS. Most of the game is strictly linear in terms of your involvement with it. nothing you do has any real impact on the world and quests and NPC's don't change actions based on what you do. They throw the occasional random event your way and that's about it. Huge it is, complex it is not. Certainly not even close to the complexity of an operating system
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:23 am

He has a point. If you're expecting 100% bug free software, YOU'RE the one who needs to take off the rose-tinted glasses.

In programming, major issues can be from something as simple as a typo in a line of code.

Bugs are a given, in development. You stop major bugs getting into production by doing comprehensive testing.
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:15 pm

Yes, but.... I don't want to start investing so much of my time into a game with so many problems! I don't know about you, but I've got 2 kids and a job and my leisure time needs to be spent having fun, not pulling my hair out over framerates and lousy shadows and broken quests. The only reason I had the time to play today is that I'm stuck in the hotel until my flight leaves in a few hours! I was hoping for a patch that started making the game work on PC as intended, not this.

U mad bro? Ativan may be a good idea if you get this stressed over a game.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:24 am

That's just BS. Most of the game is strictly linear in terms of your involvement with it. nothing you do has any real impact on the world and quests and NPC's don't change actions based on what you do. They throw the occasional random event your way and that's about it. Huge it is, complex it is not. Certainly not even close to the complexity of an operating system

It's a huge world full of random interaction and a lot of it is based on where you are and what you've done. In contrast an MMO has a very basic set of interactions to code and is actually quite simple on a mechanical level; it's just that maintaining servers can be expensive. Operating systems are more complicated than both and regularly have far more complicated and devistating problems.

The point is this "complicated games shouldn't have bugs" delusion inflicting most of you is hilarious.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:38 am

Title and subtitle is stupid, OP needs to change that [censored] or close this thread
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Maya Maya
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:55 am

The only problems even worth mentioning to date are the PS3 save file bug and a few game breaking quest bugs. The rest is aesthetic problems and essentially crying over nothing. PS3 players are the only ones with a real reason to gripe; they actually couldn't play.

My PC version has been running beautifully and even if I had run into big quest bugs it's to be expected in a massive open-world game. Toughen up kiddies.

Agreed. I play on Ps3, and I am not pulling my hair out over the crippling effects of larger save files. The game is best enjoyed in 2 hour sessions as opposed to 5 hours regardless of performance issues (I would know, I've done both. It actually enhances your experience to take breaks. Your mind is more fresh when you come back, and your reaction times as well as strategies are much better.). That is where most of the problem begins.

Even if they tone down the graphics and make items disappear from the world insanely fast, I will still be satisfied with the game.
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:48 am

Bethesda definitely does not deserve to be slammed for an awesome game like Skyrim. It's not reality and it's not fair. There's been way too much overreaction to every little thing. If people couldn't handle some bugs that go along with such a huge game right at release, they should have waited for a few months and some patching. What a downer...my game is awesome and I know any problems will be fixed.


... what?

When people make mistakes they deserve criticism. Just because you've done some things well does not mean you are allowed to screw up other things and have those mistakes go ignored. I'm not saying Skyrim is a bad game, I love the game but stop being a ignorant really devoted fan.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:54 pm

... what?

When people make mistakes they deserve criticism. Just because you've done some things well does not mean you are allowed to screw up other things and have those mistakes go ignored. I'm not saying Skyrim is a bad game, I love the game but stop being a ignorant really devoted fan.

Constructive and INFORMED criticism is always important; Bethesda should be held accountable for their game. It's just all these kids with their "Software updates should never have bugs! Where my daddy works everyone would've been fired! WAH WAH! I don't know what I'm talking about!" that also can't be condoned.
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Post » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:12 pm

It's the state of today's gaming industry and sadly WE the CONSUMERS are to blame for it as well.

Amen to that!

Developers know they can release a buggy mess for consumption and that people will buy it up just the same as if they had waited an extra 6 months to really fine tune everything. Getting this to change will more than likely require one of the following:

1) Massive social change in attitude concerning what an "acceptable" finished product is. (Highly unlikely)
2) Developers realizing that they're promoting bad game development practices and stopping it themselves. (Highly unlikely)
3) Enough developers screw over enough people and a smart developer decides to capitalize on gamers desperation for a polished/finished product. (Doubtful)

The DLC generation has killed any notion of what a "complete at release" game should be. Everyone expects games to be released prematurely and then to be patched/fixed/completed after they've already bought it. MOST gamers are willing to pay EXTRA for these things. Until these things change, gaming will only get worse and worse.
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