Recent quest or landmass-mods?

Post » Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:41 am

After getting my new computer (the old one had a broken graphic card), I'm ready to play Morrowind again.

Since I haven't played for a few yers, and I can see that the community is still active, I wanted to hear if there has been released any good bigger quest- or landmassmods for Morrowind in the last few years, since questing and discovering new locations and dungeons are my favourite activity in Morrowind.

At the moment I'm constructing my modlist, and I can see I will also have to deal with some landmass conflicts, since I will be using Tamrial Rebuilt and also wants to include some of my known landmass-mods (Veldion, Havish, The Black Mill and Wizard Island). Will it be possible to include all those mods?

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Post » Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:18 am

Abot around to be compatible with TR. The neat thing about that picture is that it also shows a lot of good landmasses to take a look at. Some new, some classics. I would ESPECIALLY recommend you try out which is a new landmass with a great design and lots of quests to experience. Another landmass mod which has been recently updated and includes quests is Lastly, I actually just version of a large landmass I have been working on for many years. At the moment, it is mostly eye candy. Quests will be implemented in a future version, but it is perfectly good for exploring at the moment if you want a change of scenery.

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