so I joined second Life because a friend asked
made a bunch of friends and some even bought me some not so cheap avatar items so i fit in better
and around day 2 i started playing with the ingame 3D modeling stuff for fun and with some help made a bowl that spins and takes peoples money if they want to put any in it
on day 4 i made a table this one
the SL forums are telling me that in those 4 days i have accomplished more than what most builders accomplish in about a year im not sure how true this is but ok
but i realize that most items now days are built with mesh and take up only one prim (i dont know why they call objects prims and why is a prim cap but ok just go with it) my table uses up 13
soo im thinking of downloading blender but is it much different form building in SL ? or easier since in SL i still dont know how to make a curve in a flat object like my one friend did to make a blanket on a bed with no blanket or make doors or anything useful i have learned how to make a lamp out of stuff though
and if i get blender is photoshop required because i really just cant afford it which svcks and would it be possible to take my SL table directly into blender and change it to mesh and then put it back in game ?