I recently started this character : http://www.elderstats.com/character/3827/ on master difficulty.I have found that playing on a higher difficulty has made the game alot more fun.When I played on adept I did not pick certain perks,did not smith weapons,and did not do other certain things to keep it challenging and balanced.On master difficulty...perks,skills,enchantments,potions,weapons,armor...everything is alot more useful and necessary to survive.Dragons are deadly on master.It kinda feels like that first day I played...Battles feel epic.
For example...my character left Old Horalden headed for Karthspire.An ancient dragon and a blood dragon appeared,my character used the Bend Will shout on the ancient dragon,jumped on it and proceeded to attack the blood dragon,aswell as the Foresworn at Karthspire camp...it took just over 45mins to kill everything in the area.The whole time my character was riding the ancient dragon.Awesome battle,lots of fun.
(I died once during this battle,after about a half hour of flying around on the blood dragon vs the ancient dragon...in mid air the ancient dragon animation looked as though it came at my dragon with its talons and knocked me off the dragon and I fell to my death...one of those "oh wow" moments)
So if you feel like the game is stale...I recommend switching to a higher difficulty.