AP Recharger

Post » Sun Aug 29, 2010 6:14 am



F:nv "Grim Reaper's Sprint" perk always give you 20AP after VATS kill, is seem weird.

A small device called "AP Recharger", using a Fission Battery to help your Pipboy on-board computer another source of energy.

Inspired by F:nv official "Math Wrath" perk, the "AP, Action Points" actually is some energy inside Pipboy. If we make some circuit to give Pipboy "direct" power source, it'll be fun.

1. Use a Fission Battery to charge "AP Recharger", the amount of energy depend on your Science and Repair skill, when energy run out, you need another Fission Battery to continue charge this device.
2. Overheat. After refill your Pipboy energy (AP) again and agin, the Fission Battery become more heat than before, cause some energy lost by circuit.
3. Cooldown. Automatic cooldown system inside "AP Recharger", to help deal with overheat problem.
4. Force Cooldown command. Cause some energy to boost cooldown system, the total energy will reduce but overhead will no more before another heavy use.
6. Due to Fission Battery heat, the battery become leak some materiel, cause raidation posion you. Your overall RAD will glowing.
7. Thanks to your Science and Repair skill, the radiation damage will reduce when your have high skill.
8. Player level penalty, prevent this device made LV1 player become God, kill a bunch of Deathclaw or Cazador like piece of work.
9. A simple HUD report system.
10.compatible Skill or Level overload mods.
11.compatible on every AP mod like Bullet-Time or other mods.

Detail Info:
*Fission Battery usage: (contain hidden player low level/skill penalty)
A Fission Battery will give your "AP Recharger" energy, help your Pipboy maintain AP in full status.
When your Science=100 and Repair=100, a battery can charge your device up to 32000 Units

(playerscience * 1.8 + playerrepair * 1.4) * 100

if a LV1 player Science=40, Repair=40 (INT=10, both TAG), will charge 12800 Units.
if a LV10 player Science=100, Repair=100, will charger 32000 Units.

*Player level penalty and Overheat after refill AP:
Because "Grim Reaper's Sprint" is LV20 perk, I made this penalty on LV1~LV19 player, but LV20~LV30 player will become a killing machine, you don't worry about whole bunch of Deathclaws or a lot of Cazadors. That's just piece of work (on some degree).

Assume you have used up 100 AP, and your max AP is 100.
LV1 player need 8000 Units per refill. also the Overheat +8000 Units
LV10 need 1600 Units (Overheat +1600 Units)
LV20 need 400 Units (Overheat +400 Units)
LV30 need 266 Units (Overheat +266 Units)

AP consume * (player LV / 30) * 4

So as you think, LV1 player can use "AP Recharger" to overwhelming some situation, but the energy will consume very huge. Need a lot of amount Fission Battery carry on. And another problem on very low level player is overheat cause more energy consume, additional Fission Battery radiation problem need a lot of Radaway. Overheat +xxxx Units, will be using next time "AP Recharger" refill your AP, cause more energy consume.

AP cost, Pool, Overheat
0, 32000, 0 (initial status, LV20)
100, 31600, 400 (after used up 100 AP), 32000-400-0
100, 30800, 800 (continue kill used up 100AP), 31600-400-400
100, 29600, 1200 (and again without break), 30800-400-800
100, 28000, 1600 (and again.........@_@...^_^), 29600-400-1200
rest 10 sec
cooldown = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 = 55
Overheat 1600-55 = 1545
continue rest 10 sec
11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20 = 155
Overheat = 1545 - 155 = 1390
continue rest 10 sec, 1390 - 255 = 1135.
If you feel "this is too slow", well.....another quick way possible.

*Force Cooldown command:
28000 - 1600*2 = 248400 Units, and Overheat is 0.

*Radiation problem with your skill and Rad Resist:
Fission Battery on high Amp output cause materiel inside heat, and overall energy pool goes down says before, but leak materiel will cause radiation problem on player. (Fission is some kind of mini-nuclear device...-_-)

radiation = Overheat * ((100 - science skill)/250) * ((100 - medicine skill)/250) * ((100 - player.getav radresist)/100)

if Overheat = 1600, science=100, medicine=100, Radresist = 25%, you got rad = 0.
if Overheat = 1600, science=5, medicine=100, Radresist = 25%, you got rad = 0.
if Overheat = 1600, science=25, medicine=30, Radresist = 25%, you.....got rad = 100.8 (some kind of low skill penalty)
if Overheat = 1600, science=25, medicine=30, Radresist = 45%, you.....got rad = 73.9 (if Rad-X +20)
if Overheat = 1600, science=70, medicine=70, Radresist = 25%, you.....got rad = 17.2

*HUD report:
"APR: xx%, H: xxxxx, R: xxx"
APR -> AP Recharger Energy Pool Level: xx% (current/32000)
H -> Overheat xxxxx Units
R -> Radiation xxx damage

*Pipboy "AP Recharger" value also mean the energy pool level. (from - to 100)


1. place RX-AP Recharger.esp to \Data folder.
2. FalloutNVLauncher or any of loading order tool to check this file
3. play game
4. go to Goodsprings, in Victor's Shack (I have screenshot a picture)

FalloutNULauncher or any of loading order tool to uncheck this file (or delete this file)

Known problem:



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