Huge HUGE one that I know will come up, because I distinctly remember it:
Spoiler You'll eventually be sent back to Cloud Ruler while playing SotD to reopen the Paradise portal. I don't think that really fits in too well with having RST around and it's not something you can patch out without breaking the SotD story line. I'm also pretty sure at some point you'll be asked to exterminate the remaining Blades at Cloud Ruler, because I recall having seen a quest update for that as well. How's that going to play out when RST Blades aren't event the same technical faction and aren't even based at Cloud Ruler anymore?
Well there we have it, my posts are not being read or are being completely. misunderstood.
I will try to explain my position again. I'm just going to blame English not being my native language for any misunderstandings there have been.
I do not intent to patch the sort of conflicts you mention. Those are pretty much unpatchable. I totally 100% agree with you on that. RST and SotD are as DarkRider puts it "diametrically opposed". I don't think anybody would be crazy enough to attempt to sort out those conflicts. It would take months, if not years to do so properly. Believe me, that is absolutely
NOT what I want!
After RST was released I added it to my current load order, I intended to play as a "good" guy, a real supporter of the Empire and the Blades with
absolutely no intention of ever joining the Mythic Dawn. I prefer to keep changes to my load order to an absolute minimum, don't fix what isn't broken. SotD is part of my load order and this apparently gets everyone's panties in a knot for some reason. I am being told to remove either RST or SotD.
I don't understand this sort of reasoning at all. Oblivion itself even has these incompatible stories. Fighters Guild Master and Gray Fox at the same time? That certainly makes a lot of sense *NOT*. People either choose to play the Fighters Guild quest or the Thieves Guild quest, not both. Why is it such a problem that I only want to play RST and IGNORE SotD completely? What exactly bothers some people so much that I want to keep both those mods active in my load order? I simply do not understand this.
Don't think I do not understand that some mods simply can't work together. I very well do, but this does not apply to RST and SotD. Sure, their stories are totally incompatible with eachother, just like the MQ is incompatible with the Dark Brotherhood Questline (IMHO), but one can simply opt not to play either one of them. That doesn't instantly mean I should just remove one of them from the game, does it?
So, can RST and SotD both be active at the same time? Yes, they most definately can! Are their stories compatible? Definately not! Can I play
either the SotD quest or the RST quest just fine with both activated? Yes, assuming a cell edit is patched!
Take both mod's storylines out of the equation for the moment, just completely ignore them for a moment please. Are these two mods compatible with eachother? Yes, but there are two very minor conflicts that should be resolved.
1. Both modifications modify the Shadowrest Caverns, RST blocks access to a SotD quest target. This is so easy to fix with a simple esp patch.
2. Both modifications edit the Mythic Dawn faction, SotD edits the ranks and adds one disposition modifier. RST only adds a disposition modifier.
Those are the only two conflicts between SotD and RST. Both of which take a maximum of five minutes to fix. A unique landscapes patch requires MORE work than these two conflicts. My esp patches those conflicts so I can safely have both mods activated. I think you'll agree with me on that one.
Now once again, I realize all too well that the story of these mods is utterly incompatible, but once again, I make NO attempts to patch these. Furthermore if you read my previous post I mention that
SotD offers the players an option to NOT join the Mythic Dawn, but instead turn hostile towards them. Once you cut SotD's quest short, the final update says:I took the sigil stone from the altar at Ipsumali, and the statue of Mehrunes Dagon crumbled into dust. This shrine may be destroyed, but I have a feeling I've not seen the last of the Mythic Dawn.
Then I started to play RST, it fits in perfectly if you ask me!
So please, I didn't mean to offend anybody and sorry if I sounded rude, it was not my intention, but I got really frustrated because nobody seemed to be taking me seriously or even bothering to read my posts. That obviously results in a lot of misunderstandings (and even more frustrations). All my esp does is fix those two "game-level" conflicts I mentioned. In no way does it try to make the stories compatible.