Hail Blades Fans and BGS Forumites,
Just an update on the PC situation, after running some diagnostics it appears the issues with my crippled rig stretch beyond a bad graphics card, it's just a breakdown from general wear and tear on a low-mid grade computer that has been asked to go above and beyond its original purpose for the last 3 years. Unfortunately, there seems to be very little that will be salvageable. When it will boot, it is now dependent on an onboard backup graphics chip which has enabled me to backup all my files and save them safely on TESA. So, I think within the next couple weeks it will be toast. That's the bad news,
The good news is, my wife's laptop can handle the CS enough to do some work on RST, organizing scripts for the voice actors for example, and though slow as mud, it can handle RST enough for me to keep adding to the questbuild. Some good folks have offered parts they have spare, others have donated funds, hopefully with some community support and a bit of budget shifting I will come up with the funds to build a tower capable of finishing RST. I hope the project's BETA release will only be extended by a couple weeks and since I'm compiling scripts for voice actors it should balance out in the end for a timely release. :dance:
To those of you who have donated or are planning to, or have offered up spare parts and well wishes, I can't say how touched I've been by the overwhelming support of this community at large. Finishing RST is very important to me and my family on so many levels and the support of all of you during this time has been truly remarkable, thank you. :foodndrink:
I will update again when this situation has been resolved and the project is back into full swing. :toughninja:
so sancre tor was so awesome it blew your computer?