Mini Update: :clap:
Hail Blades Fans,
Just checking in to let everyone know the project is alive and well. I've hit some RL snags recently trying to get through my last semester at University, but should be able to devote some good hours this week to RST and getting a proper update out barring no disasters.

Questbuilding still dominates the bulk of what's left along with Dialogue recording/mixing. Many of RST's voice actors have received scripts and are working hard. There are a few parts still to be cast and several script still to export. Typos remain the dominant bug found in testing which is good for the mod's stability, but something of a pain to track down in order to prevent voice actors from recording lines to be corrected yet.
I hope to finish the quest build by May which will leave voice acting as the only thing left to be done at that point. Fingers crossed nothing will interrupt that goal and pray my main modding rig doesn't die before RST is released. :brokencomputer:
I'll check in later this week with a proper update with more specifics!
Hello - I just found Weynon Retreat, downloaded it and started it last night. I left a post on your download site: the forum thread here with the hints is gone. Would you be able to post some of those hints in a text file and include them with the retreat? That way people could have the hints themselves without having to dig through google and only to find the forum thread is old and dead...
People seem to be pleased with this little mod and I find it's tied into your WIPz mod so I look forward to trying that when you're finished!
Dang if BGS doesn't keep pruning my favorite threads! :rofl:
I'll work up a text file for inclusion, if you're having immediately trouble you may send me a PM and I'll answer your questions directly in the meantime. :nod: