Mini Update:
Hail Blades Fans and BGS Forumites,
I can't believe this is happening again, but I think I almost have a definitive answer to the question "How much modding can a low-mid level rig take before it has a nervous breakdown?" :shakehead: Some of you recall my graphics card pulling a stunt last autumn where the project's future seemed uncertain. After pulling together some meager funds I was able to buy a replacement card that, while not even as good as my old card, was at least stable for a time. Unfortunately, the graphics anomalies have returned, the curious can see the in game images here:
This time, unfortunately the trouble seems more wide spread the rig is getting choppy and unpredictable, sometimes stalling. The graphics anomalies in game are also in the CS and on many web pages too. This may be the beginning of the end of my rig and I'm not certain what will happen to RST.
Currently the project is about 600MB uncompressed. I have uploaded it to TESA's database and also on my 4shared account to protect it where it stands now. As long as I can continue, I will work on the mod until the graphics issues wipe out the whole render window, backing up progress daily. I hope to make my BETA deadline of June 16th but testing has gotten more interesting with a grey screen in spots, so it may set me back a bit. BETA testers are ready to go, BETA forum is set up, this is a really bad BAD time for my rig to pull it's "Waaaa, I'm old, I don't like Oblivion" shenanigans. :brokencomputer:
Of course, with a baby on the way in 4.5 months, there's no way I can replace my tower right now, an extra $700 for a stable sturdy rig would be nice. If it goes tomorrow...I'll play the lotto. Seriously though, I will do everything in my power to finish this project. Your good thoughts would be most welcome now my good Blades.
I will keep you posted with any developments on the situation good...or bad. :foodndrink: