[WIPz] Reclaiming Sancre Tor, Thread V

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:06 pm

I can't wait for this mod, the progress looks good.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:50 am

I have been trying to follow this one, and i cant wait. Any more good news? any ideas when it will be ready?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:37 pm

I see the % finished increased, so I instantly had a braingasm.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:40 am

How's the mod doing :D I hope there'll be an update soon... and a trailer.. ow boy do I love trailers... anyway.. I can wait for the mod.. since my school will start coming monday.. wich isn't fun, anyway the progress of my character is slow anyway :D keep up.... doing what you were doing... well.. unless you were doing naughty things.. in that case you should quite... but if you were doing not naughty-things.. it's fine with me.... do you think to that naughty is a funny word? especially when you say it with an english accent....

Good luck :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:54 pm

since it is at TES alliance, i must have a profile to download. could you maybe host it at TESNexus, where msost people have profiles already?
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:21 pm

since it is at TES alliance, i must have a profile to download. could you maybe host it at TESNexus, where msost people have profiles already?

How hard could it be to just make a profile? Maybe your fingers could get hurt from the typing in the fields, but I guess an experienced PC user could get the job done, even though it sounds really really difficult. TESAlliance is a great site, so make that profile :P
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:27 pm

How hard could it be to just make a profile? Maybe your fingers could get hurt from the typing in the fields, but I guess an experienced PC user could get the job done, even though it sounds really really difficult. TESAlliance is a great site, so make that profile :P

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Jack Bryan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:31 am

This mod must be almost done. They are probably working so hard that they have to keep taking out the near dead bodies for a rest before they get right back to it. :biglaugh: Meanwhile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lV3SHBFyDZM is playing in the background giving to show how pitiful it is to watch.

Now that music makes me want to narrate my sad war story that is going into the Fort Akatosh mod.
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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:56 pm

I love the idea of the Blades reclaiming Sancre Tor to prepare for the convulsions to come, to try and gain some assurance by their surroundings that Martin Septim's sacrifice was not in vane, and to shine as a beakon of hope across all of Tamriel to those who have not lost faith in the empire...

Can't wait!
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:57 am

The interior of the buildings look too imperial, where the Blades have a more Akaviri style architecture, kind of like the main hall of Cloudruler Temple

EDIT: Oops. Someone mentioned that before.
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 pm

The interior of the buildings look too imperial, where the Blades have a more Akaviri style architecture, kind of like the main hall of Cloudruler Temple

Cloud Ruler Temple was an Akaviri stronghold before it was adopted by the Blades, so that's not really an indication of what "Blades" architecture would be like. As servants of the Imperial Empire, I think a blend of styles is rather appropriate. Actually there is no such thing as Imperial architecture either since the Imperials took many of their architectural influences in general from the Ayleids and the Akaviri. In many cases, such as Sancre Tor's interior, I was limited to the architecture that was there, though I have incorporated a great many details to keep the Akaviri influence on the Blades a constant from kanji parchment paintings to bamboo tatami.

To say the interiors, which in the images I've provided span many different regions not just Sancre Tor, are TOO anything is a premature judgment since you've only seen a smattering of what I've done and out of context at that. Give me a fair shot before passing verdict eh? ;)
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Christine Pane
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 am

Cloud Ruler Temple was an Akaviri stronghold before it was adopted by the Blades, so that's not really an indication of what "Blades" architecture would be like. As servants of the Imperial Empire, I think a blend of styles is rather appropriate. Actually there is no such thing as Imperial architecture either since the Imperials took many of their architectural influences in general from the Ayleids and the Akaviri. In many cases, such as Sancre Tor's interior, I was limited to the architecture that was there, though I have incorporated a great many details to keep the Akaviri influence on the Blades a constant from kanji parchment paintings to bamboo tatami.

To say the interiors, which in the images I've provided span many different regions not just Sancre Tor, are TOO anything is a premature judgment since you've only seen a smattering of what I've done and out of context at that. Give me a fair shot before passing verdict eh? ;)

Blades didn't serve the Empire... they serve the emperor right? Thath's a huge difference...... anyway There is some kind of Imperial architecture.. Medieval... It comes back almost everywhere (except the IC but that city is more or less Ayleid) All the fort ruins, Major City Castles and all the city walls are all medieval-like... Although it's in Oblivion hard to seperate Imperial from foreign (like Bruma and Cheydinhall) you can see the Imperial architecture very clear in Morrowind from villages like Pelagiad and Seyda Neen.... I doubt that these architectures are Ayleid or Akavir like...
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Wayne W
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:41 am

Blades didn't serve the Empire... they serve the emperor right? Thath's a huge difference...... anyway

There isn't much "lore fact" given for the Blades by Bethesda, but from what I have pieced together the Blades have greater purpose than simply being the Emperor's lap dogs. Their order has existed for hundreds of years through some of the Empire's greatest turmoils. They served when there was no emperor to serve and so that is why I say Empire. When there is no Emperor, such is the case in RST where there is no Emperor after the Oblivion crisis, the Blades continue to do their work for the good of the Empire and beyond the control of the Senate. There is no guarantee that the Blades would serve the next Emperor blindly either, if that Emperor were corrupt say, I believe the Blades would possibly even work against that person to maintain the Empire.

There is some kind of Imperial architecture.. Medieval... It comes back almost everywhere (except the IC but that city is more or less Ayleid) All the fort ruins, Major City Castles and all the city walls are all medieval-like... Although it's in Oblivion hard to seperate Imperial from foreign (like Bruma and Cheydinhall) you can see the Imperial architecture very clear in Morrowind from villages like Pelagiad and Seyda Neen.... I doubt that these architectures are Ayleid or Akavir like...

I think you misunderstood me a bit. I'm saying that, in my opinion, there isn't such a thing as purely "Blades" architecture or even purely "Imperial" because in the game world there are a lot of different influences from many different cultures being represented; not limited to Ayleid or Akaviri or even just fantasy cultures, those were just the examples I gave. In general, architecture in any world is seldom purely influenced by a single culture unless that culture is isolated to some degree from other influences. That's just my opinion though, everyone is entitled to theirs. :read:

Reality is, this is just a game folks. It's taken me a year, working often 60+ hours a week (for free) in the CS to complete construction on RST's 150+ interiors using what is available to me among the vanilla materials in a new and interesting way. Would I have liked to see more of an Akaviri style to some of the interiors? Sure, of course, but I don't wager anyone wants to wait another year for me to learn how to model and redesign the whole mod eh? Unfortunately, I'm not working with a wand here, there are limitations on what I can do, so if it looks too Imperial to some, I'm sorry, I did the best I could with what I had available to me. :shrug:
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:55 am

The interior of the buildings look too imperial, where the Blades have a more Akaviri style architecture, kind of like the main hall of Cloudruler Temple

EDIT: Oops. Someone mentioned that before.

Sheesh. People finding fault before the mod is even released and making judgments based on the whole 2% of the mod you've seen so far and all without doing a bit of Lore research first nor trusting that Rider and others have done it for you. I'm so disappointed. :rofl: The facts about RST are this: Rider has gone to extreme and creative lengths to keep RST from depending on anything else, has spent days and sometimes longer rearranging locations to keep the mod as a whole in tune with the UL mods (No small feet let me tell you and not something others working on a project this big would bother with) has done extensive research into existing Lore to make sure that RST's story fits brilliantly into the existing world, history and political structure of the Empire.

Let's wait until the mod is released before you begin criticizing. You may even find there is no reason to find fault. :foodndrink:

...Unless of course you're just one of those people who enjoys svcking the fun out of things in which case, carry on and we will continue to give you all the attention you deserve. :P
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:40 am

There will always be complainers in everything the world over. Nothing you can do but plug your ears.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:35 pm

Cloud Ruler Temple was an Akaviri stronghold before it was adopted by the Blades, so that's not really an indication of what "Blades" architecture would be like. As servants of the Imperial Empire, I think a blend of styles is rather appropriate. Actually there is no such thing as Imperial architecture either since the Imperials took many of their architectural influences in general from the Ayleids and the Akaviri. In many cases, such as Sancre Tor's interior, I was limited to the architecture that was there, though I have incorporated a great many details to keep the Akaviri influence on the Blades a constant from kanji parchment paintings to bamboo tatami.

To say the interiors, which in the images I've provided span many different regions not just Sancre Tor, are TOO anything is a premature judgment since you've only seen a smattering of what I've done and out of context at that. Give me a fair shot before passing verdict eh? ;)

Sounds like you've made quite an effort to incorporate TES lore into your mod - something I really appreciate! I've gotten rather picky about that lately, and generally don't like mods that do things like blatently incorporate Forgotten Realms lore, etc.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:02 pm

There isn't much "lore fact" given for the Blades by Bethesda, but from what I have pieced together the Blades have greater purpose than simply being the Emperor's lap dogs. Their order has existed for hundreds of years through some of the Empire's greatest turmoils. They served when there was no emperor to serve and so that is why I say Empire. When there is no Emperor, such is the case in RST where there is no Emperor after the Oblivion crisis, the Blades continue to do their work for the good of the Empire and beyond the control of the Senate. There is no guarantee that the Blades would serve the next Emperor blindly either, if that Emperor were corrupt say, I believe the Blades would possibly even work against that person to maintain the Empire.

I think you misunderstood me a bit. I'm saying that, in my opinion, there isn't such a thing as purely "Blades" architecture or even purely "Imperial" because in the game world there are a lot of different influences from many different cultures being represented; not limited to Ayleid or Akaviri or even just fantasy cultures, those were just the examples I gave. In general, architecture in any world is seldom purely influenced by a single culture unless that culture is isolated to some degree from other influences. That's just my opinion though, everyone is entitled to theirs. :read:

Reality is, this is just a game folks. It's taken me a year, working often 60+ hours a week (for free) in the CS to complete construction on RST's 150+ interiors using what is available to me among the vanilla materials in a new and interesting way. Would I have liked to see more of an Akaviri style to some of the interiors? Sure, of course, but I don't wager anyone wants to wait another year for me to learn how to model and redesign the whole mod eh? Unfortunately, I'm not working with a wand here, there are limitations on what I can do, so if it looks too Imperial to some, I'm sorry, I did the best I could with what I had available to me. :shrug:

I liked your architecture... (actually i can't really remember it XD) but what I can remember it looked good... just like the other cities the architecture was part imperial and part foreign....

Mayby I've mentioned it before... but I guess I didn't so I say it now.... For what I've seen about RST, and what really makes me happy, is that you make RST feel part of Oblivion but still different, like The Shivering Isles, it looked very different but still felt "Oblivion" wich I find lacking in other big mods wich are (like Midas Magic) to far away from vanilla to make it really feel blended into the world.....
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 pm

hum, the feel of oblivion into a major mod, i like that... sorry to ask guys but i've been away for a month, and i'm lazy to read the previous post... when will it be release ? do we know a lil more on that subject ? thanks !
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:46 pm

hum, the feel of oblivion into a major mod, i like that... sorry to ask guys but i've been away for a month, and i'm lazy to read the previous post... when will it be release ? do we know a lil more on that subject ? thanks !

form answer: when it is :rofl:
I'm not the most in the know but my personal estimate (not the real estimate, just my personal one) would be the middle of October
Pacific Morrowind
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 am

form answer: when it is :rofl:
I'm not the most in the know but my personal estimate (not the real estimate, just my personal one) would be the middle of October
Pacific Morrowind

Not a bad guestimate all things considered. :D At this point, it's down to dialogue and quest building, both of which are well on their way. It's the armor remodeling that may hold things up. RST has two armor concepts in need of completion and apparently no armor modelers in the community willing to take them on. :banghead: and the mod can't release without them.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:29 pm

OMG! Middle of October is just slightly more than a month away!
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:58 am

What's happening in the middle of October? :huh:
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Nathan Risch
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 am

What's happening in the middle of October? :huh:

Hopefully I can stop :drool: ing then?
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 pm

What's happening in the middle of October? :huh:

Hope and Change!
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:33 am

Hope and Change!

Surely Barack Obama isn't coming to Oblivion.... :huh: :rofl:
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