» Fri May 27, 2011 4:34 pm
Hello Darkder
I just want to say first off, this mod looks GREAT!!!!
I see that your looking at a October release date. I will most likely wait till this (along with a few more mods) to start my new game.
But I would like to ask you something.
After you release, would you think about uploading the file to the beta of http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1040373 (along with any other site, of cource.)
It would be great for what I understand about this mod.
The bug tracking feature would really help (although I'm sure you'll iron out most of the bugs before hand)
And it would be easy to update it.
If you don't want to, thats understandable, although I hope you will.
Thank you for your time,
BTW, if this looks like the post on the stolker wolf thread, I just felt the same about both mods, since there looking at the October release date. It's not impersonal. :goodjob: