» Fri May 27, 2011 6:40 am
Wow....we're leaning toward the "hole in the space time continuum" panic already huh? :lmao:
Okay, brief update, I am still making daily progress on RST, but have not achieved anything truly note worthy so haven't updated. For the moment most of my time has been absorbed by the overhauling of TES Alliance, where I am admin (for those who didn't know). The site is getting a complete overhaul to include some very nice features, but it's a lot of work. So between juggling user questions, and staff assignments, tech issues, and doing the lion's share of the work, I just haven't had much time for sleeping let alone modding. :shakehead:
However, we have finally had a bit of a windfall; within the next day or two, TES Alliance's transformation should be complete and I will resume work on RST in earnest. Don't worry, this is not a project that is ever going to die, she is very close to finished, and I'm not going to quit now. ^_^
Once I get back to work on RST, I will get some screens and post a proper update, I haven't forgotten you all here, just have my hands full with the website issues right now. Check back in a few days!
Cheers! :wave:
@Reaper: I do have quite the dev plan in place already for the Silent Hill project, but there's room on any project for helpers. I'll take a look at your work and when we get there, we'll see what happens! It's definitely a cool project. Thanks!