» Fri May 27, 2011 11:05 am
Just checking the thread as I cue up the CS to work on her in earnest today, and nice to see so many checking in. ^_^
On file size, she's a big girl. The .esp alone is about 10MB, but packed up with all her new content and she tips the scales near 150MB currently. RST adds quite a bit of new content, loads of new textures and models to create some truly unique locations, so it is definitely a large mod.
The site change is finished and most of the more pressing bugs are resolved, there are a few straggler bugs that will be resolved when we update here shortly to the next version of the software. The site's software from IPS is so cutting edge, we're practically BETA testing it! :lmao:
WhoGuru is right, despite the less than perfect timing of it, it needed to be done and my goal for TESA has always been to be able to host RST there when she launches. So, with the addition of mod hosting the site is ready for her. :goodjob:
Small bugs aside, the site is steady enough now that it can coast a bit with my capable teammates and I can return to working on RST this coming week. Early in her build I took what I called a blackout week where I went offline for a week and hammered out a ton of work. I believe I'll be taking another blackout week here soon to regain ground, going offline to lose myself in the CS and try to finish the main quest.
Now, I'm off to work on this quest and see if I can't get enough work done here for a proper update! :foodndrink: