[WIPz] Reclaiming Sancre Tor, Thread V

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:23 pm

Reclaiming Sancre Tor
Author: DarkRider/Darkrder
Version: 1.0
Last Update: 28 November 2009

Previous Threads:
[WIPz] Reclaiming Sancre Tor, Thread I *Broken Link*

Progress Estimates:
Phase 01- ████████████████████ -100%
Phase 02- ████████████████████ -80%
Phase 03 (Final)- ████████████████████ -30%

Teaser Storyline: In the aftermath of the Oblivion crisis, the Emperor is dead and no apparent heir will be named. The Blades, having served the Septim line for centuries, find themselves without an Emperor and without a cause to serve, and so they return to an ancient purpose…

Teaser Storyline 2: Cyrodiil has been saved and the last son of the Septim line has ascended into the heavens. With the passing of time, life in the Imperial City resumes its normal candor and The Champion of Cyrodiil fades into anonymity…until a messenger arrives. Blade Captain Steffan has requested your return to Cloud Ruler Temple. He needs your help to escort a small party of Holymen to the Ruins of Sancre Tor. Seems a simple task; Steffan warns the journey is treacherous one, but if you are successful a new path may opened before you…

Teaser Storyline 3: Thunder rolls overhead, the horses knicker nervously as you prepare to make the long journey to Sancre Tor. As the heavy storm clouds blot out the sky overhead, Captain Steffan catches your eye and smiles gratefully with a nod. The seasoned Blade foresees a dangerous road ahead and is obviously relieved to have a second blade along. As you mount your steed, the animal shakes the rain water out of its heavy mane. The four holymen appear from the Great Hall of Cloud Ruler Temple and begin to chant nervously. Steffan takes the lead and you close the holymen between you protectively as you weave your way down the mountain. Lightning flashes and on the distant road you see an unusual flicker of light. Someone is waiting for you in the darkness...

What Does RST Add to the Game?:
-Sancre Tor Reclaimed to Its Former Glory Inside and Out!
-An Elaborate Multifaceted Main Quest!
-Several Side Quests!
-7 New Dungeon Levels!
-4 New Worldspaces *NEW*
-Private Player Quarters with multiple safe containers and display cases!!!
-Lightside/Darkside Infamy Based Final Rewards!!!
-7 Player Owned Homes Possible!!! *NEW*
-A shrine to Martin Septim complete with Blessing Alter!!!
-A Dojo, where you will join the Blades in practice and level up your skills!!!
-4 New Towns to Visit!!! *NEW*
-4 New Blades Armors!!! *NEW*
-Mini Game Activator Quests!!! *NEW*
-New Companions!!!
-New Weapons!!!
-Coveted Lore Based Treasures!!! *NEW*
-And much, much, more!!!

Update!!!: :celebration:

Hail and Fair Greetings Blades Fans,

Time to update [WIPz] Thread at long last!!!

I know some have begun to wonder if progress has hit a plateau or worse, that I have given up, but I bring happy news, neither is the case. Progress on RST has been at an all time high of late I just don’t like to do these major updates without anything truly noteworthy to say; after all you guys and gals would get pretty tired of updates like “Today I made a guy ride a horse and…he actually got off when he was supposed to!” So, rather than update frequently, I work toward goal points in my dev plan and update when I reach one.

So, where is she now? :lmao:

As of today, RST’s phase 02 hit the 80% complete mark as the long and arduous chapter three reaches the 90% complete mark. This chapter, I knew would be rough, but I honestly had no idea how rough until I was in it. The questing involves a lot of travel, and companion travel, plus interacting with various NPCs. Coordinating these scenarios as they overlapped and the player moves through them was very difficult to stabilize enough to move forward. At one point I reached a roadblock so solid I actually felt trapped and wanted to throw in the towel!! But, I am through the worst of chapter three now, just a few tail ends to piece together this week! When I finish chapter three this week I will begin chapter four which, though long gameplay wise, involves dungeons and creatures and way fewer NPCs to coordinate, so I anticipate a smoother road for awhile.

I had originally planned two weeks out for chapter three, but that expanded into eight weeks with all the stability issues. I am relieved the really tricky stuff is behind me. All the work for Phase Two is done now with the exception of questbuilding. Dialogue, NPCs, Creatures, etc are all in place and AI is running fairly smooth; there’s an AI issue with the Sancre Tor guard I need to sort out yet…they are workaholics.

In addition to making great strides in the Main Quest build, I’ve also made progress with the side quests; I’ve finished inputting about half of them. A modeler has finally appeared for the missing RST armor which should be done shortly. I’ve done some rearranging of the RST dialogue to reduce the number of Voice Actors needed which should be a time saver down the road and progress moves right along. I will update again when I get to the next goal line, probably when Chapter 4 is finished and I hope to have a better grasp of a release estimate then!!!

Remember that you can always check my project site http://darkrder.webs.com for more regular news, information, images, and updates on the project!

F.A.Q.: :read:

Answers to the big questions on everyone’s minds!

Q: When will RST release?

A: I honestly have no idea. Modding is not an exact science; I can knock out half a chapter in one day and make almost no progress whatsoever the next. What I will say is that I am shooting for a late summer release as of yet. As that goal gets closer I will update that estimate with a new estimate or release news. I will do my best to keep up with the progress bar here and to make regular mini updates to keep you all in the know!

Q: I’m not a Blade, can I still play this and join up?

A: Yes, yes you can. The rank offered to players in the vanilla game by Grandmaster Jauffre is only honorary, so it doesn’t matter if you have it or not, you can still play.

Q: Do I have to be a certain level to play?

A: It’s recommended that you be at least level 11-15 before attempting RST’s Main Quest. That is the average level for players who start with finishing the vanilla Main Quest before anything else. Characters at lower levels will struggle and some tasks will be impassable; on the flip side, extremely high leveled characters are not recommended either. The super skills of an ancient rogue can actually get in the way of successfully completing tasks just because they can have insensitive controls.

Q: The old guy and the blade from the beginning are dead in my game, does that matter?

A: Definitely not. Jauffre and Baurus are disabled by RST and replaced with cloned versions specifically for this expansion. It doesn’t matter if they are dead or alive when you load it up the first time.

Q: Does this mod require additional DLC’s or body replacers?

A: No. RST uses only vanilla materials or completely custom materials. There are no additional downloads required. All armors are for vanilla bodies, but have played nicely with the popular body replacers for those who do use them.

Q: RST has a weapon\armor\creature\static I would like to use in my mod too, can I use it?

A: I get these requests a lot, and I’m flattered that so many modders see bits of mine in screens that they would like to use in their projects. The answer is yes, you can use any material from RST that belongs to me, however, not until she releases. I get the first bite of the pie, mates! When RST releases I will be releasing additional resource packs for modders to use in their projects. :lol:

More to below…
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:34 pm

Continued from above… :celebration:

New Photos!!!!! ^_^

Some new photos to share! This first series of screens were taken throughout the questing in chapter three where the player and Blademaster Bruin Hrothgar do a bit of tag team questing as the player earns their place amongst the Blades.

Quest 01:

Quest 02:

Quest 03:

Quest 04:

Quest 05:

This next series of pics are of the new Imperial City Apartment, a buyable player home that was added to “cover” some changes RST makes to the Imperial City Market District. It is a small home but rather cozy, filled with storage and lots of space for collectors!


Entry Interior:


Master Bedroom:


RST's Trailers!!! :P
RST's promo trailers "The Road to Sancre Tor", “The Oracle's Fire", and “Reclaiming Sancre Tor” (short and long versions) and Teaser “The Golden Hill” are now available on the Dimension’s new Videos page with sound intact! http://darkrder.webs.com/apps/videos/
No new Trailer yet, but soon…very.

[RELz] The Weynon Retreat House
Available now, Weynon Retreat House is a brilliant teaser mod with delicate ties to Reclaiming Sancre Tor, which adds a lodge style house near Weynon Priory and a challenging mini-quest. By completing the mini quest, players will receive some nice rewards and can unlock some hidden surprises at the Blades Retreat. Weynon Retreat boasts plenty of safe storage space for even the biggest collectors, a private location for the sneakier sorts and a beautiful view of the Imperial City for those good knights with one eye always on the Empire.

For Download Information Visit my [RELz] thread http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=849169&st=0&start=0!!

=====When RST releases, I will be updating Weynon Retreat to include a new playable armor concept that will appear but be unplayable in RST!!! Also the update will include new house features and voiced dialogue!!!=====

Previously Released Photos!!!!! ^_^
Please remember these account for about 25% of the available images. There are many more available for viewing on the Dimension!

The Main Farmhouse:

Main Sign:

Path Down to the Paddock:

Inside the Paddock:

The Supply Shed:

Alternate View 01:

Alternate View 02:

Alternate View 03:

As always, I want to say thanks to everyone on the forums; I sincerely would not be this close to achieving my goal if not for the fan support and the patient technical advice of the people on these forums! A special thanks to HeyYou for his endless support and the support of all those who lend their skills to RST! Please post, I always enjoy hearing from you all, reading your comments and curious questions; you really do lend fuel to the fire!!

That’s it for the update! I will post a mini update as soon as chapter three is finished. I am still listening to auditions for RST voice actors, so if you are interested but have not auditioned, send me a PM for details, it’s not too late!

Like what you see? Please leave a comment! As always, constructive criticism is welcome, haters go elsewhere. :obliviongate:

Cheers, :foodndrink:

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carley moss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 pm

Darkrder, may I ask what your problem was? It seemed to be the same problem as my thread (the list of new land mods), and I can't seem to be able to fix it. THanks
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 am

Darkrder, may I ask what your problem was? It seemed to be the same problem as my thread (the list of new land mods), and I can't seem to be able to fix it. THanks

I think it was a combo of text length and number of links in one post. You may have to break up your post into multiple posts to get around it. :nod:
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:50 pm

Oh thanks for the advice, I'll try and break it up
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:04 am

I'm drooling in anticipation. Sounds like a great post-MQ quest. It should complement the game nicely
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Tasha Clifford
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:29 pm

34% to go...I..can...barely...control...myself...
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kelly thomson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:02 pm

Good luck :goodjob:

I hope this baby is everything it can be.
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Michelle davies
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:28 pm

Already at Thread V... ANd new pictures :rock:... and a FAQ.. Well, it didn't really gave me new info though..... But.... Woohoo... Long live RST!!!!
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Grace Francis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:12 pm

Hey I just checked your trailers again and they were awesome! I saw dark haired NPCs in the videos and I was just wondering if it had anything to do with the Japanese ? (since Cloud Temple had a Japanese design). Also I saw a trailer on youtube called the Oracles Fire, it was pretty cool (are you Japanese by any chance?)
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Bitter End
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:13 pm

Hey I just checked your trailers again and they were awesome! I saw dark haired NPCs in the videos and I was just wondering if it had anything to do with the Japanese ? (since Cloud Temple had a Japanese design). Also I saw a trailer on youtube called the Oracles Fire, it was pretty cool (are you Japanese by any chance?)

RST introduces a new race (shown in one of the vids) that is a very loose blend of Japanese and Chinese races. You will also find a number of Japanese touches in clothing, architecture, and language. This mostly comes from my interest is Eastern Philosophy and deep respect of the Japanese people from my experiences as a martial artist, but no I am not Japanese. Maybe in my next lifetime! :lmao:
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Julie Ann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:14 am

Wasn't CRT inspired by the Akaviri? When they invaded, they seem to have left an "Asian" influence in some of the northern reaches of Cyrodiil. Such as their katanas, dai-katanas, etc. (Just a thought. :shrug:
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:48 am

Wasn't CRT inspired by the Akaviri? When they invaded, they seem to have left an "Asian" influence in some of the northern reaches of Cyrodiil. Such as their katanas, dai-katanas, etc. (Just a thought. :shrug:

Well, in game, Cloud Ruler was an Akaviri outpost long ago and was taken over by the Blades. The Imperial Dragon symbol adopted by Tiber Septim, that still is visible in the Imperial City and on anything connected to the Empire, also belonged to Akavir. The Bethesda developers, however, were inspired by Japanese and Chinese cultures when creating Cloud Ruler and the Akaviri remnants and that has carried over into RST. :nod:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:35 am

So... The Akaviri are the Japanese/Chinese of Tamriel?
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:38 am

So... The Akaviri are the Japanese/Chinese of Tamriel?

They are inspired by the Japanese/Chinese culture yes. :D Just as the Imperials are inspired heavily by the Romans and the Nords by Norse mythology and culture.
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brandon frier
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:02 pm

And the Redguards by the Middle-eastern right?

Well today it's finnaly Sunday :D (although it may be around 3 a.m. over by you :P
So hopefully there comes a update on your dimension :D
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:43 am

Great news! Its good to hear the project still roling along nicely.
That ice cave looks awesome! I love how many different kinds of places this mod seems to take people to.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:30 am

I thought there would be an official update on you dimension :o

But, There's none to see :nope: :(
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:06 pm

I thought there would be an official update on you dimension :o

But, There's none to see :nope: :(

We'll probably see one in the coming week.
also, where exactly is the link to the dimension? It used to be in the siggy, i'm sure... But I havent been on for a while because its gone! :o
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:12 pm


Here ya go ;)
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:43 pm


Here ya go ;)

Woot! thanks man.
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Jeremy Kenney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:11 pm

Great to see the update again and that its faring well...
ANd sorry for your loss.. It's always very sad to lose your granny :(
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:16 am

Great to see the update again and that its faring well...
ANd sorry for your loss.. It's always very sad to lose your granny :(

Thanks Mate, kind of you to say. Cheers! :foodndrink:
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:50 pm

Thanks Mate, kind of you to say. Cheers! :foodndrink:

Oh awesome. You updated the Dimension! The images are looking awesome, thats some high quality work right there.
We're still all rooting for you, and i'm sorry for your loss.
Go RST! :thumbsup:
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:59 pm

The topic hasn't been active for a few days.. :(

How's the progress going with the mod.. and the trailer? ^_^
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Alex Vincent
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