
Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:48 am

I'll keep it short and sweet. I did a search, I dug around. I realize that absolutely none of the footage put up of the game is confirmed as portraying final drafts of any of the content.

But where exactly, is the recoil?

Time and time again, I see a player firing something or other in Brink and it just doesn't look right. From the hip, the guns are steady. Utilizing the iron sights the guns are dead steady. I mean, like half-submerged-in-a-giant-steel-column steady. This is probably the single greatest concern of mine; recoil and ADS functionality. I've never been so excited for an FPS but this one bit is preventing me from really getting my hopes up. Ideally, I'd like to see a toned down COD model for ADS. Higher hip accuracy than COD, with the same perfect accuracy when aiming down the sights. The kick of the gun should make up for the pinpoint accuracy. I'm sorry, but at these ranges, guns are just pretty damned accurate when you want them to be. If you're looking down the sights and lining up a shot, you'll be able to get that bullet where you want it (the following rounds are another matter, due to kick). Most guns are ridiculously spray-tastic in COD however, so some toned down spray and hip-fire usefulness would be good (SMGs in Black Ops seem to have struck the balance well in general, it seems. Shame the rest of the game is still same old COD :V).

In summary. When a player fires from the hip, they are expecting to spray. Usually done close up because odds are you aren't going to be dead on target and the spray can help compensate for that. But when you look down your sights, you expect to be able to drop a few rounds where you're pointing. Otherwise, why look down your sights at all? I've read the dev's want to make it fairly easy to hip fire enemies real dead. I pray this isn't going to be the preferred method of combat in all situations. Let me feel like a marksman picking my shots at medium range, even if I'm holding an SMG. Sure, nerf the damage at range because otherwise by God it would be the most unfair weapon class ever. I don't mind if my shots don't do wicked damage at range. I'd just like to be able to shoot where I'm pointing when I want or need to.

Can anyone shed some light on this matter?
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:29 pm

It's quite common for today, that you get a massive aim-assist in console-shooters, I believe. BRINK does that just as well (as a matter of fact, I saw the option in the expo-demo).

And what the aim-assist most obviously does, is to counter any recoil. Also for the demo/gameplay-videos it seems to have been reduced/removed almost completely.

Last but not least: While shooting from the hip, shooters usually do not display any recoil, but only use the spread for hit-calculations. Aiming down sights instead gives an accuracy-bonus but also adds recoil.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:11 pm

Shoot were you aim is my motto. Oh wait, that's spread.

I thought they said that recoil only kicks in after 6-7 shots, to keep hipfiring a decent option up untill medium range. I guess they want you to have to choice to either hipfire or ADS, while in other recent shooters, you're pretty much forced into ADS at nearly all ranges except close combat. I'm not bothered by low recoil at all.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:04 pm

To hell with Ironsight I'd say! :lol:
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Ben sutton
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:16 pm

Doesn't really matter what the recoil is, its the same for everyone so its "balanced" in a way. Older games got away with guns that shoot where the crosshair is pointed, leaving it all up to the skill and speed of the player; newer games make people manage recoil in order to be able to shoot straight, either way its primarily skill based.
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Christina Trayler
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:16 am

I thought they said that recoil only kicks in after 6-7 shots, to keep hipfiring a decent option up untill medium range. I guess they want you to have to choice to either hipfire or ADS

That doesn't make sense.

As I already said, recoil does only affect ADS. If it would kick in late, it would favour the use of ADS by a lot.
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El Khatiri
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:53 am

Personally I never liked Aim Assist. IMO if you can't shoot some1 dead without Aim assist, why are you playing shooters.

Hopefully brink will disable aim assist for Multiplayer.
(If not the then at least have it as a hosting option I.e turn it off for everyone in your match)

EDIT: Im talking about on consoles. I dont play on PC
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:37 am

I appreciate the replies, but I think I should clarify. While I own a PS3, I bought a spanky i7 930/GTX480/6gb DDR3 Tri-Channel rig specifically so I could shoot [censored] up on the good ol' PC without running into hitches. (Overkill? Maybe. Try playing games solely on ten year old tech and laptops for a few years, and you'll want overkill too. :V)

Aim assist is fine on consoles, the controllers just aren't accurate enough. But mice are plenty accurate. Especially if you're serious about gaming and picked up a real precision piece of hardware. Recoil with a slight upward drift on hipfire would make sense for some LMGs while running and gunning. Crouching and firing should eliminate most of that. Spread is obvious when hipfiring. I too remember the days of UT2k4 (hell, UT3 doesn't even have any semblance of recoil or spread on anything but the sniper rifle when zoomed). But even if these are just "imitating" real guns (which I'm pleased with, I love me some TDI Vector (hope the UMP 45 is in there too :V)), they are still meant to be real guns. Real guns should feel at least somewhat like real guns. I'm not saying "oh it's got to be true to life and oh people should die in one torso shot on average" etc, no. That's not this game and for the most part, that's not fun.

Back to MW2 (PC) as a reference.. The UMP 45 (an SMG firing .45 ACP (a big goddamned round to be spitting out of an SMG, for the unitiated)) did a metric tonne of damage in comparison to it's SMG brethren. It balanced this by a low fire rate (something the real life UMP 45 has to counter the massive kick of firing .45 ACP in full auto). The TDI Vector in the same game had the highest fire rate of any weapon in the game, but did the lowest damage as well. The TDI Vector also fires .45 ACP cartridges. In real life, the Vector as a fire rate of roughly 1000RPM and still has perhaps less recoil than a UMP 45, simply due to the nature of how it handles that kick. In game, if the UMP 45 was already doing more damage than most assault rifles, this should make the Vector an unstoppable spewer of death. But it wasn't. In fact, it was a very underused gun. Because it's damage was reduced to artificially low levels to keep it fun.

And fun it was.

Moral of the story, COD is still turrible. But the guns should handle believably like guns, even if compromises must be made to retain balance and fun (because no one wants "Brink: Vector" where everyone runs around with one gun). Those compromises should be made to guns individually to retain balance and gives pros and cons to each gun, rather than sacrificing something so integral as kick as a whole for all guns just to make them equally easy to use, aim assist or no.

As an aside, if the trailers are all from console playing (as I figured from the cumbersome camera movements), does this mean we PC players are getting a port of a primarily console-centric game? Has there been any word on this? I don't mean to devalue console gamers, to each their own. But PC is the more capable platform. Does it not seem wise to make the game it's fullest on PC and then strip off features (and add aim assist) to retain playability on less well equipped systems (eg, console)?
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:12 pm

Aim assist is fine on consoles

As an aside, if the trailers are all from console playing (as I figured from the cumbersome camera movements), does this mean we PC players are getting a port of a primarily console-centric game? Has there been any word on this? I don't mean to devalue console gamers, to each their own. But PC is the more capable platform. Does it not seem wise to make the game it's fullest on PC and then strip off features (and add aim assist) to retain playability on less well equipped systems (eg, console)?

I edited my post. I was talking about consoles. I also hate gravity wells, nothing worse than aiming at some1 from far away and a close enemy runs past dragging your crosshair :brokencomputer:

Anyway to the next part of the quote. All of the Brink videos are from a PC (Aside from the one PS3 vid) They are played with an xbox 360 controller, and Games for windows changes the hud when a 360 controller is plugged in.

Also None of the versions are ports. They are all for each platform (cept Wii go have a cry Wii ppl) Nothing is stripped down for any version. But of course the PC version can run better with better graphics etc.. But nothing has been stripped down for the consoles.

Think of it more like the PC version can go up depending on your Rig
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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:52 am

I edited my post. I was talking about consoles. I also hate gravity wells, nothing worse than aiming at some1 from far away and a close enemy runs past dragging your crosshair :brokencomputer:

Anyway to the next part of the quote. All of the Brink videos are from a PC (Aside from the one PS3 vid) They are played with an xbox 360 controller, and Games for windows changes the hud when a 360 controller is plugged in.

Also None of the versions are ports. They are all for each platform (cept Wii go have a cry Wii ppl) Nothing is stripped down for any version. But of course the PC version can run better with better graphics etc.. But nothing has been stripped down for the consoles.

Think of it more like the PC version can go up depending on your Rig

Sounds good, though that still somewhat leaves the question of the gunplay open. I guess I'll have to wait for some sort of demo or maybe some updated videos. Part of what I was talking about was not just vertical camera movement, but also actual animated kick on the gun. As if it's jumping back slightly with every round, which the videos don't seem to show at all. Feel free to link me to a video if I missed an updated shot, anyone. :V

Glad to see Splash Damage isn't shafting the PC crowd like so many other developers have been these days. I've been playing Splash's games since Wolfenstein. They've been great. Here's hoping this one blows them out of the water in every way imaginable.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:44 pm

Sounds good, though that still somewhat leaves the question of the gunplay open. I guess I'll have to wait for some sort of demo or maybe some updated videos. Part of what I was talking about was not just vertical camera movement, but also actual animated kick on the gun. As if it's jumping back slightly with every round, which the videos don't seem to show at all. Feel free to link me to a video if I missed an updated shot, anyone. :V

Glad to see Splash Damage isn't shafting the PC crowd like so many other developers have been these days. I've been playing Splash's games since Wolfenstein. They've been great. Here's hoping this one blows them out of the water in every way imaginable.

Well Brink was delayed for Balancing/Optimizing, so things like recoil will probably be fixed.

Also the vids/demos aren't really all reliable since we don't know whats been disabled specially for the demo. People like Revoluzzer who have played Brink and know how the recoil/shooting feels at the moment, they can confirm no recoil (Or the opposite).

But if the videos are accurate and there is not much (If any) recoil, then probably that will be fixed/tweaked

EDIT: As far as I know these 2 vids are the latest gameplay.
Also I think In these vids there is an animated kick to the gun, but towards the player not up or down, but it's simply for aesthetics. - 8min Gameplay (PS3) - PAX 10 Bomb defusal.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:38 pm

I like low recoil. I think it's pretty much necessary to have this with the current game mechanics. If you play a fast-paced game, where it takes more bullets than average to kill someone then you'll need some stable guns or it would make the game way more difficult.
Imagine Quake 3 with COD recoil... (a bit of exageration from my part)
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:42 pm

I like low recoil. I think it's pretty much necessary to have this with the current game mechanics. If you play a fast-paced game, where it takes more bullets than average to kill someone then you'll need some stable guns or it would make the game way more difficult.
Imagine Quake 3 with COD recoil... (a bit of exageration from my part)

Low recoil is ok, but there seems to be no recoil. At least No recoil on where you are aiming. On the 1st vid I posted at 6:17 he shoots a shotgun and the shotgun goes up like recoil but the crosshair stays in the same place.

Personally It doesn't bother me much (Aim assist does though lol), Brink looks awesome and I can't wait to play it.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:23 pm

I like low recoil. I think it's pretty much necessary to have this with the current game mechanics. If you play a fast-paced game, where it takes more bullets than average to kill someone then you'll need some stable guns or it would make the game way more difficult.
Imagine Quake 3 with COD recoil... (a bit of exageration from my part)

What Dysfunkshion said + I also think it's done to make it more fast-paced . Don't forget brink also found its roots in Wolfenstein enemy territory . I suggest you watch some movies or if you have it installed , you can watch an ETTV match ! You'll see that you need good aim and movement to hit something on one hand and the movement to be able to dodge as many bullets as you can while doing so .

Being able to combine this will result in a game where skill is definitely needed !
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adam holden
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:10 pm

Brink has Aim Assist? Wow I wasn't aware of that. Huge turn-off. Hmm
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:14 pm

Brink has Aim Assist? Wow I wasn't aware of that. Huge turn-off. Hmm

On console only. And I think you can turn it off.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:01 am

On console only. And I think you can turn it off.

As long as it can be turned off I'm cool with it.
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Sandeep Khatkar
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:00 pm

As long as it can be turned off I'm cool with it.

Yea I never liked Aim Assist. I hope there's an option to turn it off for the everyone in the whole match. (Expecially if your hosting). It would make things better/more interesting.

IMO If someone considers themselves skilled but they need aim assist on, then they are just another n00.b who will get slaughtered once aim assist is removed.
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stacy hamilton
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:22 pm

If you ever played TF2 on Xbox 360, theres no aim-assist and it works fine. The person with the better aim usually wins hands down. But then againmost weapons in that game are explosives, shotguns and miniguns. The only pin point ones are the sniper rifle and even thats impossible to use with out aim assist.
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Captian Caveman
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:36 am

What Dysfunkshion said + I also think it's done to make it more fast-paced . Don't forget brink also found its roots in Wolfenstein enemy territory . I suggest you watch some movies or if you have it installed , you can watch an ETTV match ! You'll see that you need good aim and movement to hit something on one hand and the movement to be able to dodge as many bullets as you can while doing so .

Being able to combine this will result in a game where skill is definitely needed !

I've played a ton of Enemy Territory. Both of them.

From all of the videos I've seen, this game isn't HALF as fast paced as a match of COD. COD is a literal meat grinder. This is more like a stylish low-player volume BattleField game. I love me some Bad Company 2, but the feel of the guns, in terms of actually firing them, have nothing on COD's weapons again (namely because there's plenty of bullet spread even when in ADS in Bad Company). The spread in ADS in COD is as a result of the kick moving your entire screen, rather than simply firing more innaccurately. This is what I'd prefer. I'd rather the skill of firing accurately on the go be more about being able to control the kick (constantly moving the camera in small increments to compensate) than simply having my accuracy arbitrarily stripped from me as a result of holding the trigger for a few seconds despite the fact I could otherwise remain relatively accurate.
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:27 pm

Is it confirmed that there is Aim-Assist, and that you can remove it at will? (example: It's an option in the option menu, turn it on and off at will)
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:25 pm

Is it confirmed that there is Aim-Assist, and that you can remove it at will? (example: It's an option in the option menu, turn it on and off at will)

There certainly is aim assist. I think REVOLUZZER confirmed this (he played the game at one of the expo's) If I recall correctly, you could chose the amount of assistance you receive by sliding a bar.
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:41 pm

There certainly is aim assist. I think REVOLUZZER confirmed this (he played the game at one of the expo's) If I recall correctly, you could chose the amount of assistance you receive by sliding a bar.

Really? That sure is something, thanks :)

And thanks to Revoluzzer for telling you, telling me :P
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:42 pm

The aim-assist can be adjusted with a slider. However, in the demo this seemed to be bugged still. I put it to the max (yeah, I was that cheap :rolleyes:) and sometimes I wouldn't feel any aim-assist, but other times it would follow the enemy spot on, like an aim-bot.

From all of the videos I've seen, this game isn't HALF as fast paced as a match of COD. COD is a literal meat grinder.

To me BRINK felt as fast paced as Call of Duty. But as people don't drop dead instantly, the fights are much more intense.
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Thu Jul 08, 2010 2:18 pm

The aim-assist can be adjusted with a slider. However, in the demo this seemed to be bugged still. I put it to the max (yeah, I was that cheap :rolleyes:) and sometimes I wouldn't feel any aim-assist, but other times it would follow the enemy spot on, like an aim-bot.

To me BRINK felt as fast paced as Call of Duty. But as people don't drop dead instantly, the fights are much more intense.

You're not cheap, just a wee bit insecure about your aiming if you use alot of aim-assist :P I played Red Dead Redemption with aim-assist in single- and multiplayer, don't judge me, I didn't want my ass kicked up and down, left and right :<

And more intense fights sounds great!
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