Yeah. Brink has serious problems with a lack of recoil and hipfire spread. This needs to be addressed. Someone contact Splash Damage.
First off, I agree that you cannot accurately judge that the firing mechanic is flawed until you get to use it. But also you need to respect the OPs right to discuss something that bothers him about the gameplay.
Personally I do not think the recoil / spread is an issue. Ive seen that the spread increases when you are running / using SMART. Also the bullet dmg is highly reduced so if the recoil / spread was "Real" then it would be near impossible to kill anyone without resupplying ammo.(also take into account that youre going to be shooting at people that are mantling, vaulting, sliding at high speeds and that possibly have buffed health) It wont be like in CoD where one head shot with any wpn is a OHK and where people are funneled into very predictable paths.
Another important point to consider is that the people you are shooting could be being healed by medics, which combined with the low bullet dmg and the fast pace of the game make reduced recoil / spread a necessary part of the game.
my 2cents