After playing with different types of characters, I want to try a druid build and roleplay this time. I can't decide between a Breton and a Bosmer, but I'm planning to focus on alteration, conjuration(only familiars of course, maybe other animals and spriggans too if I can find a good mod for that), restoration and one handed(only the ones made by natural materials though, like forsworn or falmer weapons). I couldn't decide whether to wear light armor(again, only armors made by only natural materials, like fur, forsworn ol falmer armors) or just to wear robes. Traditionally, most druids carry a staff and a sickle. While finding a staff is not a big problem, falmer axe/honed falmer axe is as close as I get to sickle-like weapon in Skyrim, so I'll probably use that(though I'm open to other ideas as well).
So these are what I thought for a druid build. And if you can recommend a mod for conjuring wild animals and spriggans(and maybe even a mod for useable spriggan bee spray, or even entangle) it'll be great for my build. I'm waiting for your ideas and recommendations.